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Roche NT-proBNP levels reflect heart failure prognosis and can help with discharge planning

Measuring Roche NT-proBNP during the hospital stay can help with discharge planning.1


The pre-discharge absolute value of Roche NT-proBNP,  as well as the relative change of Roche NT-proBNP during hospitalization can provide important prognostic information.2 Rely on Roche NT-proBNP to help you identify patients at risk of hospital readmission or mortality within 6 months.3-5

Relative changes in Roche NT-proBNP help predict patient risk for hospital readmission and mortality.3,4

Roche NT-proBNP hospital discharge chart

Patients whose Roche NT-proBNP level decreased by ≥ 30% during hospitalization had a lower risk of hospital readmission or mortality within 6 months.3

Patients that demonstrated a ≥ 30% increase in NT-proBNP levels during the course of their admission had the most adverse prognosis.3

A further study showed that the 6 month mortality rate was twice as high among patients with a NT-proBNP reduction of ≤ 30% in comparison to the patients with a NT-proBNP reduction of > 30%.4

The absolute value of NT-proBNP at discharge helps predict risk for hospital readmission and mortality.5

Roche NT-proBNP hospital discharge versus mortality rate graph

Patients with higher absolute levels of Roche NT-proBNP at discharge had a higher risk of hospital readmission and mortality within 6 months.4,5

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NT-proBNP: N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide



  1. Yancy et al. (2017). Circulation. 136, e137-e161
  2. Januzzi et al. (2012). Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 105,40-50
  3. Bettencourt (2004). Circulation. 110, 2168-2174
  4. Salah et al. (2014). Heart. 100, 115-125
  5. Stienen et al. (2015). Eur J Heart Fail. 17, 936-944