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Taiwan SI Page


Highlights in Numbers

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NT $309,767

employee donations to Saint Joseph Social Welfare Foundation (Roche Children’s Walk 2021)

NT $977,000

donated to Little Sun Tribe Hualian of Socio-Medical Service & Education Association and the Food Bank of Christian Relief Association from 2020 to 2021

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metric tons of carbon dioxide reduced


GJ reduction in overall energy consumption

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women employees in 2020


women in management positions

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women to be studied to understand better ways of screening for cervical cancer

Taiwan in 2020/2021

For Taiwan’s ageing population of 23.4 million, the National Health Insurance system and social assistance for the poor, ill, and those in urgent need provide the people with easy access to healthcare. 

With rising incomes, better nutrition and advances in medicine, Taiwan’s increased life expectancy has given rise to a rapidly ageing populace, with over 15% of its people aged 65 and up.


Our COVID-19 Contributions

Taiwan, being one of the first in the world to tighten borders, enjoyed early success in containing COVID-19 infections. We assisted with COVID-19 assay development and supply of tests to Taiwan from as early as January 2020, helping it successfully avoid the global supply challenges that arose in the months following.


A special Lunar New year Delivery for Taiwan

  • In collaboration with the CDC, we worked to pre-emptively validate assays for the identification of SARS-CoV-2 variants offered by Roche Diagnostics-owned test-making firm TIB Molbiol

  • We worked expeditiously to deliver critical TIB Molbiol reagents to the CDC as COVID-19 began to spread in Taiwan, ensuring that testing could still go on amidst fears of depleting test stocks and rising case numbers.

Sponsoring Meals for Indigenous Children

  • To urgently address the needs of underprivileged indigenous families, we donated over NT$208,000 to sponsor the meal allowances and household utilities of 130 students for two months
