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For in vitro diagnostic use. Instrument cobas c 111 IVD cobas® c 111 analyzer INS_526 04528778001 cobas c 111 analyzer cobas c 111 analyzer 04015630927036 Instruments Not Available Not Available cobas c 111 analizör; serum, plazma, idrar veya tam kandaki (HbA1c) klinik kimya veya elektrolit parametrelerinin in vitro tayini için geliştirilmiş sürekli rasgele erişimli bir analizördür. Fotometrik analiz ve iyon seçici elektrotlar (ISE) için isteğe bağlı bir ünite kullanılarak en fazla 50 numune/günlük düşük kapasiteli hacimleri için optimize edilmiştir. tr Physical DimensionsWidth (with ISE Unit)590mm (720mm)Depth (with ISE Unit)550mm (550mm)Height (with ISE Unit)480mm (480mm)Weight (with ISE Unit)32.5 kg (39.5 kg)ThroughputPhotometric85 tests/h max60 tests/h consolidated(with typical test panel)ISE180 tests/h max60-100 tests/h consolidated(photometric and ISE mixed)SamplesSample handlingManually by operatorTime to first result5 – 10 min(photometric measurements)2 min(ISE measurements)CalibratorsRoche calibratorsSee the package inserts of the reagentsReagent BottlesReagent bottles20mL maximumIdentificationBarcodeBarcode2-D / format PDF417Number of tests50 – 200 tests(depending on the test)Reagent bottles20mL maximumCuvettesSegments of 10 cuvettesManual insertion and removal of segmentsSingle useCuvettes are for single use onlyStatic incubation temperature in cuvette37°C (±0.5°C)PhotometerAbsorbance photometer20W halogen lamp12 wavelengths340 – 659nmSensorPhotosensitive diode array en