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For in vitro diagnostic use. Instrument Multiplate 5 Analyzer IVD Multiplate® analyzer INS_3691 06675069001 Multiplate Analyzer Multiplate® analyzer 04015630932689 Instruments MP0010PRO Not Available Not Available Multiplate (birden fazla trombosit iş levi) analizör, hastanelerde ve tıbbi ve bilimsel diğ er kurumlarda in vitro tanı amaçlı kullanım için tasarlanmış bir cihazdır. tr High throughput30 tests/hourSampleWhole blood sample anticoagulated with hirudin eliminates need for sample preparation, reduces risk of pre-analytical errorsLow sample volumeonly 300 μL whole blood per analysisFast turn-around time10 min./testEasy to useonly 3 pipetting steps en