The Roche ASPIRE Advanced Point-of-Care Management Workshop

Point of Care Testing (PoCT) is a special and quite unique discipline within the diagnostic space. It comprises testing outside of the laboratory, near the patient. A PoCT device could be used in a hospital, regional medical center or even in the patients home!

PoCT coordinators are specialised laboratory professionals that facilitate testing beyond the laboratory to support patient care. In managing a range of instruments and testing capabilities, the PoCT coordinators responsibilities include validating and implementing the appropriate solutions, along with managing the ongoing use, quality framework, training,and governance. They are also experts in this field and will be consulted by a range of health professionals to advise on PoCT options to optimise care by providing results at the bedside. 

As a global leader in diagnostics, Roche is uniquely positioned to share PoCT insights and emerging trends that we continue to observe across healthcare, in more than 100 countries in which we operate.


Enabling Australia's PoCT coordinators

As market leaders in diagnostics, Roche aims to bring lab-quality to point of care and patient self-testing, to enable making the best treatment decisions possible when patients need it most.

Further to simply supplying devices, reagents, and test strips, Roche Diagnostics Australia is actively investing in the professional development of Australia’s healthcare coordinators, by hosting an Advanced Management course for 30 PoCT coordinators from across Australia.

This Australian workshop, hosted by Marianne Mulder, Senior Integrated Marketing Manager and Afia Boamah, Business Product Manager, both from Roche Switzerland, was the 5th of its kind in the world to be hosted, since inception in Switzerland.

The two-day Roche ASPIRE Advanced Point-of-Care Management Workshop was held in Sydney, 21-22nd November 2023. This “advanced course” was aimed at PoCT coordinators who had several years of experience and wanted to increase knowledge and develop competencies. 

Topics covered included; Assessing the Patient Journey, Interprofessional Teamwork, Motivation and Communication, Training and Competency Assessment, How to Prepare a Training Program and Assess, SOPs & Quality Assurance, Explanation of Business Case and The Role and Value of IT in PoC Testing.

A guest presenter on the day included Lisa Mackay, Point of Care Co-ordinator at Monash Health Pathology. With many years experience in PoCT in Australia, Lisa further presented her insights within an Australian context. 

ASPIRE PoCT event video

Event testamonials

To communicate the nature of these workshops and the value experienced by the PoCT coordinators, we asked some of these attendees to share their thoughts in a testimonial video on the second day of the event. 

Also featured in the video was commentary from some of the Roche representatives from Australia and Asia pacific, who shared some advantages of meeting in person with the attendees and why such events better inform Roche as a supplier of diagnostics to the Australian market.


The Roche ASPIRE Advanced Point-of-Care Management Workshop was scientifically relevant, interactive and enjoyable. The course catered for a broad range of technical and management expertise and utilised examples from different point-of-care testing settings. The Roche educators delivered the course content in a concise forum with clear learning objectives and opportunities for case discussion.  Point-of-care testing learning was holistic, including processes such as mapping of the patient journey, engaging point-of-care testing stakeholders, performing quality testing to the reinforcement of team development cycles.  I highly recommend this course for emerging and existing Point-of-Care Co-ordinators across the globe.

- Dr Susan Matthews, BSc (Hons), PhD, MAACB  Co-Director & Discipline Lead, Point-of-Care Testing, Flinders University International Centre for Point-of-Care Testing, College of Medicine & Public Health.

Find out more about the top 5 things to consider as a point of care coordinator here.