cobas® c 513 analyzer

Setting a new precedent in HbA1c lab efficiency
IVD For in vitro diagnostic use.
cobas c 513 analyzer
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Fully automated and highly efficient workflow

The analyzer offers a fully automated and highly efficient workflow by delivering up to 400 HbA1c patient results per hour, yet requiring minimized operator intervention from sample registration to result delivery. Its closed tube sampling function delivers maximum safety to the operator.


Roche Tina-quant® HbA1c Gen. 3


The cobas c 513 analyzer runs Roche’s established Tina-quant® HbA1c Gen. 3 test which is standardized according to IFCC and transferable to DCCT/NGSP in order to ensure high quality and standardized results. With no interference by most known HbA1c variants, Roche’s Tina-quant HbA1c assay delivers accurate risk identification, diagnosis and monitors the level of HbA1c delivering results that clinicians and patients can trust.1


Manages high HbA1c workload


  • Up to 400 HbA1c patient results/hour


Result reliability


  • Standardized according to IFCC and transferable to DCCT/NGSP
  • Delivers risk identification, diagnosis and monitors the level of HbA1c




  • High throughput of up to 400 HbA1c patient results/hour 
  • Test capacity of >14,000 determinations on board 
  • Closed tube sampling 
  • Proven and trusted cobas® technology 
  • cobas link for remote services




  • Ready to use cobas c pack large (500 tests)
  • Tina-quant® HbA1c Gen. 3 
  • Standardized according to IFCC ­transferable to DCCT/NGSP
  • Direct result reporting (in IFCC and NGSP units)



  1. Data on file. Roche Diagnostics International Ltd. 


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