For in vitro diagnostic use. Membrane Others CD45 LCA RP2 18 CONFIRM IVD Tonsil CONFIRM anti-CD45, LCA (RP2/18) Primary Antibody RTD000771 Mouse RP2/18 05266912001 CONFIRM anti-CD45 (LCA) (RP2/18) PAB CONFIRM anti-CD45, LCA (RP2/18) Primary Antibody 04015630971190 Reagents, kits 760-2505 50 tests Not Available true Le CONFIRM anti-CD45, LCA (RP2/18) Primary Antibody est destiné à être utilisé en laboratoire pour la détection immunohistochimique qualitative par microscopie optique de CD45 dans des coupes de tissus fixés au formol et inclus en paraffine sur un appareil BenchMark IHC/ISH. Ce produit doit être interprété par un anatomopathologiste qualifié, en complément d’examens histologiques, d’informations cliniques pertinentes et de contrôles adaptés.Cet anticorps est conçu pour une utilisation en diagnostic in vitro (IVD). fr CONFIRM anti-CD45, LCA (RP2/18) PrimaryAntibodymay be used as the primary antibody for immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections. In general, immunohistochemical staining allows the visualization of antigens via the sequential application of aspecific antibody (primary antibody) that binds to the antigen, a secondary antibody (link antibody) that binds to the primary antibody, an enzyme complex and a chromogenic substrate with interposed washing steps. The enzymatic activation of the chromogen results in a visible reaction product at the antigen site. The specimen may then be counterstained and cover slipped. Results are interpreted using a light microscope and aid in the differential diagnosis of pathophysiological processes, which may or may not be associated with a particular antigen.CONFIRM anti-CD45, LCA (RP2/18) PrimaryAntibody can be visualized using OptiView DAB IHC Detection Kit (Cat. No. 760-700 / 06396500001), and ultra View UniversalDAB Detection Kit (Cat. No. 760-500/ 05269806001). Refer to therespectivemethod sheet for further information. en
CONFIRM anti-CD45, LCA (RP2/18) Primary Antibody
IVDFor in vitro diagnostic use.
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