For in vitro diagnostic use. Others ISH iVIEWBlue Plus Detection Kit IVD ISH iVIEWBlue Plus Detection Kit RTD000978 05266181001 ISH, iVIEW BLUE PLUS DETECTION KIT ISH iVIEW Blue Plus Detection Kit 04015630972029 Reagents, kits 760-097 100 tests Not Available true L’ISH iVIEW Blue Plus Detection Kit de Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (Ventana) est constitué d’un anticorps primaire anti-DNP de lapin suivi d’un système de détection indirecte à la biotine et à la streptavidine pour la détection des sondes et des anticorps marqués VENTANA DNP. Ce kit est destiné à la coloration de coupes de tissus fixés (formol neutre tamponné) et inclus en paraffine dans le cadre de la pratique habituelle sur les automates de coloration de lames de la série BenchMark.La microscopie optique permet de détecter l’intensité de la coloration. Les résultats positifs facilitent la classification des cellules et tissus normaux et anormaux et complètent les tests d’histopathologie conventionnels.Ce produit doit être interprété par un anatomopathologiste qualifié, en complément d’examens histologiques, d’informations cliniques pertinentes et de contrôles adaptés.Ce produit est conçu pour une utilisation en diagnostic in vitro (IVD). fr ISH iVIEW Blue Plus Detection Kit detects specific DNP labeled probes and antibodies bound to a target sequence or antigen in paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The labeled probe or antibody is located by an anti-DNP antibody, then by an enzyme-labeled secondary antibody or a biotin-conjugated secondary antibody. This step is followed by the addition of a Streptavidin-AP (alkaline phosphatase) enzyme conjugate which binds to the biotin present on the secondary antibody. The complex is then visualized with 5- Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate (BCIP) and nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) chromogen, which produces a blue precipitate that is readily detected by light microscopy.The staining protocol consists of numerous steps in which reagents are incubated for predetermined times at specific temperatures. At the end of each incubation step, the BenchMark IHC/ISH instrument washes the sections to remove unbound material and applies a liquid coverslip, which minimizes the evaporation of the aqueous reagents from the slide. Results are interpreted using a light microscope and aid in the differential diagnosis of pathophysiological processes, which may or may not be associated with positive staining for the probe or antibody. en
ISH iVIEWBlue Plus Detection Kit
IVDFor in vitro diagnostic use.
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