For in vitro diagnostic use. Others Lambda Primary Antibody FITC IVD Frozen, Tonsil or Lymph Node FITC Anti-Lambda Primary Antibody RTD000916 Burro 05267951001 FITC ANTI-LAMBDA PRIMARY ANTIBODY FITC anti-Lambda Primary Antibody 04015630971534 Reagents, kits 760-2684 50 tests Not Available true Cet anticorps est conçu pour être utilisé en diagnostic in vitro (DIV).L’anticorps FITC anti-Lambda Primary Antibody de Ventana® Medical Systems (Ventana) est un anticorps polyclonal d’âne marqué à la fluorescéine et dirigé spécifiquement contre les chaînes légères lambda humaines. Ce réactif doit être utilisé en association avec une gamme d’anticorps afin de faciliter l’identification des chaînes légères lambda dans les tissus cibles (par exemple, pour le diagnostic des pathologies rénales ou cutanées). L’anticorps FITC antiLambda est destiné à être utilisé en laboratoire pour la coloration qualitative des coupes de tissu congelé sur un Ventana Automated Slide Stainer.L'interprétation clinique de toute coloration ou absence de coloration doit être complétée par des études morphologiques et l'analyse de contrôles adéquats. L'évaluation doit être accomplie par un pathologiste qualifié et tenir compte de l'historique clinique du patient et d'autres tests diagnostiques. Uniquement sur ordonnance. fr FITC anti-Lambda may be used as the primary antibody for immunohistochemical staining of frozen tissue sections. In general, immunohistochemical staining allows the visualization of antigens via the sequential application of a specific antibody (primary antibody) to the antigen, a secondary antibody (link antibody) to the primary antibody, an enzyme complex and a chromogenic substrate with interposed washing steps. The enzymatic activation of the chromogen results in a visible reaction product at the antigen site. For FITC direct labeled antibodies, the fluorochrome is linked to the primary antibody and therefore no secondary antibody or chromogenic detection step is required. The primary antibody binds specifically to the target antigen and can then be visualized. Results are interpreted using a fluorescent microscope with the appropriate filter set and aid in the differential diagnosis of pathophysiological processes, which may or may not be associated with a particular antigen.FITC anti-Lambda is optimally diluted for use with Ventana automated slide stainers. Each step in the staining protocol includes incubation for a precise time at a specific temperature. At the end of each incubation step, the sections are rinsed by the Ventana automated slide stainer to stop the reaction and remove unbound material that would hinder the desired reaction in subsequent steps. To minimize evaporation of the aqueous reagents from the specimencontaining slide a coverslip solution is applied in the slide stainer. For more detailed information on instrument operation, refer to the appropriate Ventana automated slide stainer Operator's Manual. en
FITC Anti-Lambda Primary Antibody
IVDFor in vitro diagnostic use.
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