Elecsys® Calcitonin

A powerful tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC)
Elecsys® Calcitonin

A powerful tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC)

Thyroid carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the endocrine system. In 5 up to 10% of all thyroid carcinoma patients, a medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is identified.1 These carcinomas produce elevated serum concentrations of calcitonin and, therefore, can be diagnosed with an exceptional degree of accuracy and specificity by immunoassays measuring serum calcitonin.2,3

The diagnostic marker calcitonin is a sen­sitive and specific tumor marker for the ­diagnosis, as well as for the life-long monitoring of MTC patients after thyroid surgery.2,3


A marker with high specificity for MTC (Figure 1)


  • Sensitive tool for diagnosis and follow-up of MTC
  • High correlation with tumor burden, ­supporting early detection of new or ­residual disease2


Elecsys® Calcitonin with high precision


  • High sensitivity and precision at low end concentrations ensure improved ­follow-up and monitoring (figure 2)
  • High precision across the entire ­measuring range support accurate results4


Workflow efficiency with the most complete automated thyroid portfolio


  • All tests required for differential diagnosis of thyroid diseases are consolidated on one platform, including routine thyroid ­assays and specialties such as Elecsys TgII, Elecsys Calcitonin, Elecsys Anti-Tg, Elecsys Anti-TPO and Elecsys Anti-TSHR.
Elecsys Calcitonin

Figure 1: Calcitonin is a highly specific marker for MTC, allowing early and specific diagnosis and reliable monitoring. Source: Performance Evaluation Study 2013, data available upon request.

Elecsys Calcitonin

Figure 2: Comparison of interassay CVs (coefficient of variation) at the lowest concentrations tested. Source: package inserts; March 2013.

Elecsys® Calcitonin

  • Assay time

    18 min.

  • Sample material

    Serum, Li-heparin ­plasma, K2-EDTA plasma, K3-EDTA plasma

  • Sample volume

    50 μL

  • LoB, LoD, LoQ*

    0.3 pg/mL, 0.5 pg/mL, 1 pg/mL

  • Measuring range

    0.5 – 2,000 pg/mL

  • Traceability

    IRP WHO 89/620

  • Total imprecision: cobas e 411 analyzer

    2.6 – 5.2 %

  • Total imprecision: cobas e 601 module

    1.6 – 2.3 %

* LoB = Limit of Blank; LoD = Limit of Detection; LoQ = Limit of Quantitation with a total allowable error of ≤30 %

  1. Fedala et al. (2016). The interest of Calcitonin in the Diagnosis and the treatment of Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 15(12):109-111
  2. Bories, P.N., et al. (2016). Comparison of the Elecsys calcitonin assay with the Immulite 1000 assay. Describing one case with heterophilic antibody interference. Clin Chem Lab Med, 54:e45–7.
  3. Wells et al. 2015, Revised American Thyroid Association Guidelines for the Management of Medullar Thyroid Carcinoma. Thyroid 25(6): 567-616
  4. Methodsheet Elecsys® Calcitonin Mat. No.: 0644583/07027044