To search for product information for reagents, ancillaries and bulks please visit the Catalog for Researchers in eLabDoc, an eService within your local instance.
DISCOVERY research reagents

DISCOVERY reagents are ready-to-use on the fully automated DISCOVERY ULTRA and DISCOVERY XT instruments for research IHC/ISH. Designed with the researcher’s needs in mind, DISCOVERY reagents help take the guess work out of assay development by providing consistent high quality staining and reliable slide-to-slide and run-to-run reproducibility. We build the tools you need to piece together answers to the toughest questions in research.
DISCOVERY interactive assay design tool
This step-by-step assay creation tool demonstrates all available DISCOVERY applications and product combinations. Users will have the ability to create the following assay types and generate required products lists:
Brightfield IHC (Single & multiplex)
Fluorescent IHC (Single & multiplex)
Brightfield mRNA ISH (Single & duplex)
Fluorescent mRNA ISH (Single)
Multiplex IHC Panels
Diluents, hybridization buffers, and bulk reagents that are compatible with the DISCOVERY ULTRA and DISCOVERY XT instruments. Counterstains, fixatives, blockers, application kits, enzymes, and amplification that are all ready-to-use for full automation.
Detection systems
DISCOVERY detection reagents come in a modular format and are all ready-to-use for fully automated IHC, IF, and chromogenic and fluorescent ISH (DNA, and RNA). Choose from a variety of biotin-free multimers, linking antibodies, chromogens, fluorophores, and biotin based kits.
Multiplexing panels
Multiplexing antibody panels in combination with DISCOVERY detection tools and pre-optimized procedures now provide researchers with a complete multiplexing toolbox.
RUO DNA probes
Repeat-free DIG and DNP labeled gene and chromosome probe for a variety of research interests.
User-fillable / Prep kits
Choose the reagents needed to customize your protocol. With DISCOVERY user-fillable dispensers and prep kits you can add the reagent you need, at any step in the process.
The DISCOVERY products are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.