

e-Commerce, or Electronic Commerce, is the use of computers and electronic communications to conduct business transactions between trading partners. It may include any form of electronic media, such as fax, email, EDI, online ordering, or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

Learn more below about how Roche Diagnostics uses e-Commerce.

About EDI

About EDI

Electronic Data Interchange is a method in which business data is represented and electronically exchanged using national or international standard formats, such as ANSI X12 or EDIFACT.

Savings can be achieved by reducing the amount of data entry and errors caused by manual processing and miscommunication. Work processes are improved as a result of less paper handling and filing, more efficient workflows, and fewer mistakes.

The Global Healthcare Exchange (GHX) is Roche's preferred Exchange for Hospital customers.

GHX provides suppliers and providers with a single source for transacting via e-Commerce. GHX serves as the intermediary in taking orders from providers, sending the orders to suppliers, and returning order confirmations from the supplier to the provider. The overall objective of using GHX is to provide consistent, reliable, and cost-effective e-Commerce processing between Roche and our customers.

For information on the benefits of GHX and how GHX works, please visit the GHX website.

EDI Transactions

EDI Transactions

Roche Diagnostics currently utilizes the following transaction sets. Click on the transaction number below to view or download the Roche specifications for the specified transaction. All files are in Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf).

Transaction Sets

A transaction set is a meaningful unit of information that is exchanged between trading partners. There are more than 300 transaction sets in the X12 standard, including purchase orders, invoices, and many more. Each set is represented by a unique number - for example, an 850 is a purchase order.

Roche's preferred standard is ANSI X12 version 4010.

Transaction Set (.PDF) Transaction Name Benefits to Our Customers
Invoice Avoids errors and provides method to automatically feed the accounts payable system
Product Transfer Account Adjustment (Chargeback) Reduces manual processing and cost associated with paper processing
Price Authorization Acknowledgment/Status Synchronizes contract information
Response to Product Transfer Account Adjustment Allows for electronic reconciliation of chargebacks
Purchase Order Faster, more accurate delivery of orders for immediate processing
Purchase Order Acknowledgment Allows visibility to initial order status
Advanced Shipping Notice Notification of product shipment that provides for proactive planing.
Product Transfer and Resale Report Reduces manual processing and cost associated with paper processing


Roche Diagnostics offers a variety of options to connect electronically with our trading partners. Our connectivity options, in order of our preference are described below.

For other connection options, please contact us.

Roche is an official McKesson Certified e-Commerce Trading Partner and can accept orders electronically from their users. To learn more about McKesson Provider Technologies, please visit their website.

Applicability Statement 2 is one of the many connection options offered by Roche Diagnostics and is our preferred connection method.

What is AS2?

Developed under the Electronic Data Interchange-Internet Integration (EDIINT) Charter, Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) is the communication standard used to securely transport all types of business data, including EDI and XML, using the Internet rather than over a dedicated network.

Benefits of AS2
  • Improved Industry Metrics
  • Network Cost Reduction
  • SME Enablement
  • High Level of Security
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • UCCnet Connectivity

Secured File Transfer Protocol is one of the many ways to connect with Roche Diagnostics and is our second preferred connection method.

What is Secured FTP?

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an internet protocol used for transfering files to and from remote computer systems on a network. Secured FTP builds on this foundation by using encryption techniques to make sure the files and data are secure.

Benefits of Secured FTP:
  • Encrypted
  • Eliminate third party
  • Secure
  • Direct connection
  • Low cost

Utilizing a Value Added Network (VAN) is another way to connect with Roche. A VAN is Roche's third preferred connection method.

What is VAN?

A Value Added Network (VAN) is a computer network owned and operated by a third party who also provides additional "value," i.e., they maintain the network, administer it, provide services not available from common network carriers, etc, usually for a fee. Some examples of VANs include GEIS, Bleinschmidt, AT&T, HARBINGER, Advantis, MCI*net, and ARI Network Services.

Benefits of VAN:
  • Widely used
  • Ease of implementation
  • Convenience of scheduling connections
  • Additional services available by provider
  • Pay for only services utilized
  • Reasonable cost
  • Number of providers available
VAN Resources:

For VAN connections, Roche Diagnostics utilizes the services of Sterling Commerce.

Frame Relay is another way to connect with Roche Diagnostics. It is Roche's least preferred connection method.

What is Frame Relay?

A high-speed packet-switched data communications service, similar to X.25. Frame relay is a leading contender for LAN-to-LAN interconnect services, and is well suited to the bursty demands of LAN environments.

Benefits of Frame Relay:
  • Low overhead
  • Ease of implementation
  • Reliable data transfer
  • Reasonable cost
Key Information

Key Information

As Roche Diagnostics undertakes developing improved e-Commerce processes, we would like to keep our customers updated on our progress. Below you will find important information regarding Roche EDI processes.

It is important to Roche that your electronic transactions fulfill the same expectation as previous phone and fax transactions. Therefore, we want to reiterate how our system will handle some specific types of criteria. By informing you, we hope that you can educate your purchasing department to know when to contact customer service to facilitate special accommodations for the occasional, extra-ordinary order.

If you have questions pertaining to the criteria below, please contact Roche Customer Service (800-428-5076) before transacting electronically so that a common understanding can be reached.

The accuracy of the data fields is critical in order to successfully process electronic transactions.

  • Ship-to Code:  When the account number is used as the ship-to code in the ANSI X12 data, the N1(ST)04 is used to determine address information and pricing on the order.
  • Product ID: We ask that all customers make an effort to cleanse their product or catalog data with routine updates. Roche also utilizes other product code formats such as UPC and NDC. For customers who utilize the services of GHX and the AllSource catalog, contact 1-800-YOUR-GHX. For all other customers, please contact Roche Customer Service (800-428-5076) for assistance.

We ask that all providers make an effort to cleanse their data with routine updates.

Roche does not process expected price or verify terms; this means that pricing and terms will be applied as defined in your contract (if applicable) and/or within Roche's system, not as requested on individual purchase orders. If you have questions or concerns about pricing or terms, contact Roche Customer Service (800-428-5076) before you begin transacting electronically.

Roche's standard delivery default is five (5) business days on all orders received without a Requested Delivery Date. Although this is our standard, we strive to accommodate any delivery date request we receive. If your order requires delivery in a shorter time frame, Roche is willing to accommodate the Requested Delivery Date sent on the order. Please contact Roche Electronic Commerce Support Desk ([email protected] or 800-428-5076) for assistance.

If your organization orders restricted use only (RUO) products, the order MUST ship to the address defined in Roche's system as per the terms of the agreement in order to comply with federal mandates.

If your organization has a reserved lot established for an account number, when you order specific products the reserved lot is pulled for shipment. When the reserved lot is depleted, the electronic order goes to workflow for manual intervention and another reserved lot is assigned. This only occurs on occasion, but may cause a delay in receiving an order confirmation.

Roche encourages EFT for payment. To learn more about how to establish EFT payments with Roche visit the EFT page.

Occasionally electronic orders require manual intervention before processing, Roche refers to the manual intervention as "workflow". Workflow occurs for numerous reasons, but is most often due to invalid product ids, unit of measure discrepancies, etc. If an electronic order is routed to Workflow the order confirmation could be delayed.

Roche strives to return your o rder confirmations within 2 hours, but workflow (described above) and general transmission times can cause delays with order confirmations and other transactions. If transacting via GHX, please recognize that several hand-offs are involved depending on your relationship and your possible involvement with buying groups.

If your organization has a standing order established for an account number, then any order received electronically for that account number is assumed to be IN ADDITION TO the standing order or scheduled agreement. No changes can be made to standing orders or scheduled agreements via EDI. All changes to standing orders must be phoned or faxed.

Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs)

Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs)

Here you will find a list of several Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs). If you are part of a GPO and interested in transacting via EDI, locate the GPO you are most associated with for contact information.

Roche Diagnostics also offeers the ability to connect directly. Please contact our Support Desk to learn more.

GPO Contact Info
Telnet Primary Contact
Contact Name: Broadlane Support
Phone: (888) 888-8866
Email: [email protected]

Secondary Contact
Contact Name: GHX Support
Phone: 720-887-7000
Email: [email protected]
Novation Primary Contact
Contact Name: GHX Support
Phone: 720-887-7000
Email: [email protected]
Premier Primary Contact
Contact Name: GHX Support
Phone: 720-887-7000
Email: [email protected]
Other Please contact your GPO account manager.