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Instrument navify Quality Performance navify® Quality Performance INS_7643 10 288 124 001 10288124001 navify Quality Performance navify Quality Performance Electronic Services Not Available Not Available 06 608 817 001 6 608 817 001 06608817001 6608817001 06608817001 TIQCon Programm TIQCon Programm 07613336165614 Software Not Available Not Available navify® Quality Performance is a web-based comparison tool that enables clinical laboratories to quickly and accurately evaluate the performance of their assays through statistical analysis of the daily quality control (QC) data generated by Roche Serum Work Area systems. This innovative eService generates real-time reports using QC data collected from laboratories around the world that use the same control lots, instruments, and assays. These reports allow users to compare their lab’s performance against their peer group. navify® Quality Performance’s user-friendly interface lets you easily access information relevant for ISO 15189 guidelines and review trends, without manually entering data. en