
Point of Care Troponin as a decision aid in the prehospital setting - Jacob Thorsted Sørensen

Dr. Jacob Thorsted Sørensen
Importance and practical implementation of Point of care Troponin in the prehospital setting

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) covers a range of conditions, including myocardial infarction. Though mortality rates are falling globally for ACS,1 it remains a major cause of mortality among people over 35 years of age – accounting for a third of all mortality cases among this group.1 
In addition, acute myocardial infarction necessitate quick action. Thus, there’s an ever-present need to optimise diagnostics methods and speed up triage and identification of the most appropriate course of action, if we are to drive a reduction in this high mortality rate.
In this fascinating webinar, prolific cardiology researcher, Dr. Jacob Thorsted Sørensen, shares his findings on the importance of Point of Care Troponin testing as a prehospital decision aid in patients with suspected ACS and/or at high risk of mortality.
In a lunch-break-friendly forty minutes, Dr. Sørensen takes us on a journey through the importance of decision aids in the prehospital setting, and how the high predictive value of POC Troponin can aid health professionals in improving triage and treatment for high-risk ACS patients. He explores the subject of implementing a new technology in this field, and his presentation is supported by real-world examples that he documented during studies in which all ambulances in the Central Denmark Region were equipped with a POC Troponin T device for use in suspected ACS cases.2,3
Please enjoy this webinar on this exciting topic. Thank you in advance for watching.


  1. Ferreira-González I. (2014). Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 67: 139–44.
  2. Stengaard C et al. (2013). Am J Cardiol 112: 1361-1366.
  3. Rasmussen MB et al. (2017). Eur Heart J 1–10.


The views and opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Roche or any other sponsors.


Dr. Jacob Thorsted Sørensen is the Chief Physician of the department of Cardiology at Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark.
He is an experienced clinician, instructor, and prolific researcher within acute and interventional cardiology, most specifically ischemic heart disease.
With an impressive 31 publications to his name, Dr. Sørensen’s work spans emerging diagnostic markers and surgical intervention strategies, with special focus on the potential of Troponin testing on myocardial infarction.

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