Contact us

Contact us by email

Please fill the form to contact us about our products, speak with a local representative, request a demo, or if you have general questions.

Roche Diagnostics operates in over 100 countries worldwide. Below you will find a list of local offices that can help you with your sales inquiries.

This form is not intended for complaint reporting or service & support requests.

*By submitting your personal data in this form, you agree that Roche will process your personal data in order to respond to your request and follow up with you. Your data may be shared with the Roche affiliate in your country in order to proceed with your request.

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This page is provided as a contact service and does not replace the advice of a physician. Roche cannot respond to questions about general medical information or questions regarding your personal medical condition. Medications and diagnostics products can not be directly ordered through this website. Please note that we do not respond to form letters or e-mail campaigns. Please do not use this form to report complaints or adverse events or to ask any questions regarding medical products.  To report a complaint or adverse event, please contact the Roche Local Safety Unit for your country.

Complaint reporting

To report a complaint or adverse event, please contact the Roche Local Safety Unit for your country.

Contact Roche Diagnostics Nederland


Algemeen nummer Roche Diagnostics 036-5394 911

Customer Service CoaguChek (gratis) 0800–223 57 88

Customer Service Diabetes (gratis) 0800-022 05 85

Diagnostics Customer Operations (gratis) 0800-288 2882

Professional Services (gratis) 0800-288 2882


Voor vragen over diagnostische producten zijn wij bereikbaar via: [email protected]



Roche Diagnostics Nederland B.V.

Postbus 1007

1300 BA Almere



Roche Diagnostics Nederland B.V.

Transistorstraat 41

1322 CK Almere


Roche Diagnostics Nederland B.V. is geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel Gooi-, Eem- en Flevoland onder nummer: 39035097.


Complaint reporting

Please do not use this form to report complaints or adverse events or to ask any questions regarding medical products.  To report a complaint or adverse event, please contact the Roche Local Safety Unit for your country Contact details for Roche Local Safety Units

Roche Diagnostics Nederland

Roche Diagnostics Nederland BV 

Transistorstraat 41 

1322 CK Almere, The Netherlands


Phone: 036-5394 911