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For in vitro diagnostic use. Others A1C-3 IVD A1C-3 CPS_000002 Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1c Gen.3 05 336 180 190 5 336 180 190 05336180190 5336180190 05336180190 HbA1c TQ Gen.3, 200Tests,cobas c111 A1C-3 04015630926282 Reagents, kits 2 × 100 tests cobas c 111 true 05 336 163 190 5 336 163 190 05336163190 5336163190 05336163190 HbA1c TQ Gen.3, 150Tests,cobas c501/INT A1C-3 04015630926275 Reagents, kits 150 tests COBAS INTEGRA 400 Plus, cobas c 311/501/502 true 05336996001 A1C-3 Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1c Gen.3 - Whole blood and Hemolysate Application en 4 FF000000067C9E0E FF00000001C6830E 05336180190 307 cobas c 111 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended use In vitro test for the quantitative determination of mmol/mol hemoglobin A1c (IFCC) and % hemoglobin A1c (DCCT/NGSP) in whole blood and hemolysates prepared from whole blood on the cobas c 111 system. HbA1c determinations are useful for monitoring of long-term blood glucose control in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Moreover, this test is to be used as an aid in diagnosis of diabetes and identifying patients who may be at risk for developing diabetes. en 0105336163190COIN A1C-3 Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1c Gen.3 - Whole blood application - Standardized according to IFCC transferable to DCCT/NGSP en 3 FF00000004A8AA0E FF00000001BFB10E 05336163190 302 COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended useIn vitro test for the quantitative determination of mmol/mol hemoglobin A1c (IFCC) and % hemoglobin A1c (DCCT/NGSP) in whole blood on Roche clinical chemistry analyzers. HbA1c determinations are useful for monitoring of long-term blood glucose control in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Moreover, this test is to be used as an aid in diagnosis of diabetes and identifying patients who may be at risk for developing diabetes. en 0105336163190c501 A1C-3 Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1c Gen.3 - Hemolysate and Whole Blood Application en 12 FF00000004682D0E FF000000000B220E 05336163190 308 cobas c 311 2324 cobas c 502 309 cobas c 501 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended useIn vitro test for the quantitative determination of mmol/mol hemoglobin (IFCC) and % hemoglobin A1c (DCCT/NGSP) in whole blood or hemolysate on Roche/Hitachi cobas c systems. HbA1c determinations are useful monitoring of long-term blood glucose control in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Moreover, this test is to be used as an aid in diagnosis of diabetes and identifying patients who may be at risk for developing diabetes. en 0105336163190COIN A1C-3 Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1c Gen.3 - Hemolysate Application - Standardized according to IFCC transferable to DCCT/NGSP en 3 FF00000004A8A90E FF00000001BF8D0E 05336163190 302 COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended useIn vitro test for the quantitative determination of mmol/mol hemoglobin A1c (IFCC) and % hemoglobin A1c (DCCT/NGSP) in hemolysate prepared from whole blood on Roche clinical chemistry analyzers. HbA1c determinations are useful for monitoring of long-term blood glucose control in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Moreover, this test is to be used as an aid in diagnosis of diabetes and identifying patients who may be at risk for developing diabetes. en