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Odborník / Zdravotník
Roche Diagnostics products
Core Lab
Point of Care
Blood Screening
Clinical Chemistry & Immunochemistry
Analyzer solutions with a broad range of assays based on innovative technologies to fit your testing needs
Digital Health Solutions
Software solutions that generate actionable insights and meaningful outcomes
Hemostasis testing portfolio and applications for early disease detection and monitoring
Analyzer solutions to aid in the diagnosis of coagulation abnormalities and in monitoring anticoagulant therapy.
Lab Automation
Personalized solutions that simplify operations, reduce manual tasks, and increase efficiency and quality
Customized solutions for physician office labs, hospital point of care and central laboratory settings
Molecular Diagnostics
Clinical solutions for infectious disease, donor screening, sexual health, genomics and oncology
Companion Diagnostics
Targeted diagnostics tests that aid in the choice of specific therapies for each patient
Digital Health Solutions
Software solutions that generate actionable insights and meaningful outcomes
Lab Automation
Personalized solutions that simplify operations, reduce manual tasks, and increase efficiency and quality
Life Science Research
Molecular reagents and instruments to support your next research breakthrough so you can focus on what you do
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in life sciences, translational and clinical research
Products and solutions for manufacturers in the diagnostics and pharma biotech industry
Anatomic Pathology
Lab instruments and clinical assays that automate and optimize the analysis of tissue biopsies
Companion Diagnostics
Targeted diagnostics tests that aid in the choice of specific therapies for each patient
Digital Pathology
Solutions that combine innovative slide scanners, software and image analysis algorithms
Digital Health Solutions
Software solutions that generate actionable insights and meaningful outcomes
Tissue Research
Lab instruments and tissue-based reagents for research use
Point of Care
Solutions to deliver robust and immediate results outside the central lab where needed, when needed
Blood Gas and Electrolyte Testing
Blood gas and electrolyte testing solutions
Coagulation Monitoring
Quality care for your patients taking vitamin K antagonists
Diabetes Care
Blood glucose monitoring systems and services for the management of diabetes
Digital Health Solutions
Software solutions that generate actionable insights and meaningful outcomes
Donor Screening
Automated systems and assays for Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT), serology and personalized lab automation
Lab Automation
Personalized solutions that simplify operations, reduce manual tasks, and increase efficiency and quality
Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT)
Automated systems and assays for Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT)
Automated systems and assays for serology
Coagulation self-monitoring
Discover the benefits of INR self-testing with CoaguChek
Diabetes Care
Helping people with diabetes and those at risk to experience true relief
Harmony prenatal test
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), for your baby’s health and your peace of mind
Products and solutions for manufacturers in the diagnostics and pharma biotech industry
Molecular Research
Molecular reagents and instruments to support your next research breakthrough so you can focus on what you do
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in life sciences, translational and clinical research
Tissue Research
Lab instruments and tissue-based reagents for research use