
Global Access Program - Tuberculosis

Sustainable tuberculosis diagnostics to reach our targets

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB, TB) remains a global challenge. In 2020, 9.9 million people fell ill and greater than 1.5 million died.1 Despite these numbers, tuberculosis is curable yet required progress has been elusive. Approximately 1/3 of new people affected by TB are undiagnosed or detected but not reported and drug resistance is on the rise.1 Co-infection with HIV and other pathogens further complicate the patients diagnostic and care cascade. And while tuberculosis infects humans globally, the burden of disease has geographic patterns. The challenge is multifaceted and has worsened as a result of the global pandemic.1

As a community, we must work together to address this challenge.

Globally, the burden of MDR/RR-TB is stable yet remains especially challenging for individuals previously treated for TB.

*Multidrug- and rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis

214,000 deaths among HIV-positive people1
18% drop in TB case notifications

To address this crisis, all Member States of World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN) endorsed the End TB Strategy and adopted the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) which aim to "end the global TB epidemic" . The End TB Strategy targets a reduction in TB deaths, reduction in TB incidences, and affected families to have zero catastrophic costs related to TB. It is a bold and complex strategy to combat tuberculosis globally. A UN High Level Meeting further strengthened country commitment and political will in this fight against tuberculosis. This is just the beginning.

Roche is committed to eradicate tuberculosis globally
as part of a comprehensive diagnostic access program.

Estimated TB incidence rates in 20201


No single action will resolve this global health problem on its own. Diagnostics are part of the solution. Enabling polyvalency with testing scalability while supporting universal DST initiatives will benefit patients and help national programs meet their targets. Roche is committed to a holistic diagnostic approach in working towards the 2030 End TB Strategy.

Nelson Mandela

..we cannot win the battle
against AIDS if we do not also
fight TB

Nelson Mandela, 15 July 2004, XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok

The Global Access Program supports the End TB Strategy by expanding access to diagnostics in high-burden countries. Through important partnerships, ensuring all humans have access to high quality diagnostics is a core commitment of Roche. Reliable and accurate diagnosis reduces risk of further transmission, delays in treatment, and additional burdens on the healthcare system. Sustainable diagnostics that supports global health initiatives is a social responsibility and a core belief of Roche and its diagnostic division. We aim to directly support the extensive field work performed by so many dedicated people and agencies.


  1. Global tuberculosis report 2021. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  2. The End TB Strategy 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015. WHO/HTM/TB/2015.19