
Best Practice in Point of Care (POC) International Normalised Ratio (INR) monitoring – Dr. Nasser Masoodi and Ms. Jaham Said Shada

Dr. Nasser Masoodi and Ms. Jaham Said Shada
INR point of care testing in Qatar: Where are we now?

Two esteemed speakers from a leading healthcare center in Qatar host this webinar: Ms. Jaham Said Shada and Dr. Nasser Masoodi. 

They explore their perspectives on the implementation and management of POC INR testing, which gives valuable insight into how similar initiatives might be executed in other healthcare systems in the region.

First, Ms. Shada shares her viewpoint as Point of Care Manager at Hamad Medical Corporation. Through the lens of the challenges introduced by COVID-19 – combined with the ensuing shifts to home care – she discusses the advantages and challenges of implementing POCT INR. Innovation within remote patient monitoring is a key topic for Ms. Shada; namely the self-testing trial she conducted – the first of its kind in the Middle East – and its results.

In the second section of this webinar, Dr. Masoodi furthers the conversation on POC INR testing through a specific case study of one of his patients on warfarin anticoagulation management. He also shares his experience from a more fiscal approach on the topic, discussing the potential cost benefits of increasing efficiencies and reducing hospitalisations.  

This webinar packs a lot of insight and learnings into only 48 minutes, and we hope it adds valuable knowledge to your medical education.


Ms. Jahan Said Shada is a point of care testing manager for HMC Qatar Hamad Medical Corporation and currently leads the largest POCT system across the Middle East. She has a BA in Biomedical Science and Masters Degrees in Business Management and Healthcare Leadership, she is a certified CAP inspector, and a member of the IFCC, AACC and CAP.

Dr. Nasser Masoodi is a senior consultant vice chair for the department of medicine at HMC Qatar Hamad Medical Corporation. He is deputy chair of the IRB committee and the Informatics Optimization Committee for HMC PHCC. He is a task force member of Qatar's healthy aging initiative and deputy chair for multiple chronic conditions initiative. Dr. Masoodi is a fellow of American College of Physicians and the American Geriatric Society. He’s received an MBA and a post-Baccalaureate certification in Clinical Informatics.

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