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proCardio 2024

proCardio 2024

The Global Cardiac Forum

Basel, Switzerland | 3-4 October, 2024

Connecting experts in cardiology, emergency medicine, and clinical chemistry to collaborate and discuss biomarkers and the latest innovative therapeutic & digital solutions to address the unmet medical needs in cardiovascular diseases.

A unique scientific event in covering the unmet medical needs in cardiovascular diseases

The 13th International proCardio 2024 will take place in Basel, Switzerland

Previous iterations have shown that proCardio is a successful and engaging scientific event featuring a world-class international faculty to discuss biomarkers and innovative therapeutic & digital solutions to address the unmet medical needs in the field of cardiology. 

The forthcoming proCardio event, scheduled to take place on the 3rd and 4th of October in Basel, Switzerland, is set to feature a series of highly engaging presentations delivered by global experts. These presentations will cover a wide range of topics, including Basic Science, Prevention, Diagnosis, Therapy, Innovation, Implementation, Policy, as well as Hot topics and unmet medical needs. Hence, proCardio is an ideal event to facilitate the discussion of new ideas, innovative solutions and unmet medical needs in the field of cardiology.


Interested in proCardio? 

Subscribe to the proCardio page and you will receive updates about the event including the final agenda, the final meeting report and the event highlight video. 


What was covered at the last iteration of proCardio in 2022? 

In 2022 proCardio featured 30 speakers, 12 session chairs and 300 participants filling up two inspiring days with the latest evidence and data on cardiac biomarkers. Every session was followed by engaging discussions. The extensive Q&A’s have been recognised as the main differentiator of proCardio among other cardiac congresses and will truly help in shaping future pathways in the field of cardiac biomarkers. Attendees foresee this as an opportunity to help healthcare professionals and specialists identify and address the unmet medical needs in cardiovascular diseases across multiple countries and regions. 

Topics of interest included: impact of sex on cardiac biomarkers levels and subsequent treatment, binary vs probabilistic systems for reporting disease risk, future perspective on integrated diagnostics (such as biomarker panels), and most importantly the critical need for innovative clinical decision support tools.

Interested in more insights from attendees of the event? Watch the highlight video from proCardio 2022!

Chronic Disease Management Programme Ireland

Implementation of a chronic disease management programme in primary care in Ireland

NT-proBNP helps the evaluation of subclinical heart failure in patients living with T2D.

proCardio 2022

Credits to the contributors to the highlight video, in the order of speaking: Dr Antoni Bayes-Genis (speaker in the Therapy session), Olivier Gillieron (Roche Diagnostics International), Maxime Maignan (Roche Diagnostics EMEA-LATAM), Dr Noemi Pavo (delegate from Austria), Dr Rudulf de Boer (chair of the Prevention session), Chizi Kiti (Roche Diagnostics Kenya), Dr Carolyn Lam (co-chair of proCardio 2022), Rikke Marie Mikkelsen (Roche Diagnostics Denmark), Dr Sergio Levandero Gonzalez (delegate from Chile), Dr James Januzzi (remote co-chair of proCardio 2022)



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