cobas® b 101 system
One-stop solution for HbA1c, lipids, and CRP testing in the Primary Care Setting
For in vitro diagnostic use.

Guideline compliant performance
- cobas b 101 system complies with all relevant standards and methods (IFCC, DCCT/NGSP)1
Easy and safe operation
- User friendly benchtop device
- Easy blood sample application onto disc from a finger prick
- No calibration needed, maintenance and service-free, guidance by the graphical user interface (GUI)
Fast turnaround time
- Single testing with HbA1c, lipid panel and CRP, or dual testing with HbA1c and lipid panel tests
- Single test results are available in about 6 minutes (CRP less than 4 minutes) and dual testing results are available after a workflow of under 15 minutes
System characteristics
- User-friendly with a large touchscreen, full keyboard, and multiple language support
- Robust, maintenance- and calibration-free with a wide operating temperature and humidity range
- Connection to cobas® infinity POC IT solutions
- External printer or barcode scanner allow an improved workflow and documentation
- Data download to USB stick and then to a PC or data download to IT solutions installed on PC
Disc Features
- Direct blood sample application onto disc from a finger prick (no capillaries, tubes and pipettes are needed)
- Requires only very small sample volumes (2 μL for HbA1c, 19 μL for lipids and 12 μL for CRP)
- Discs are color-coded and clearly labelled to support correct use
- Hinge cover concept for operator safety
- Discs can be stored for more than 16 months at room temperature (2-30 ºC)2,3,4
- Roche Multi center evaluation. Data on file (2012)
- Roche cobas HbA1c Test Method Sheet V 2.0 (2019)
- Roche cobas Lipid Panel Method Sheet V 5.0 (2019)
- Roche cobas CRP Test Method Sheet V 2.0 (2019)