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For in vitro diagnostic use. Others A1CD2 IVD A1CD2 CPS_000004 Hemolyzing Reagent Gen.2 04528182190 HbA1c TQ haemolyzing rgt, cobas c A1CD2 04015630921072 Auxillaries Single cobas c pack with 51 mL. cobas c 311/501/502 true 05007232190 Haemolyse reagent 800T cobas c 111 A1CD2 04015630923861 Auxillaries 8 × 6.3 mL bottles. cobas c 111 true 0004528182190c501 A1CD2 Hemolyzing Reagent Gen.2 en 4 FF00000004B9960E FF0000000132820E 04528182190 308 cobas c 311 2324 cobas c 502 309 cobas c 501 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended useThe hemolyzing reagent is used as diluent for the Tina‑quant Hemoglobin A1c Gen.3 assay on cobas c systems. en 07746911001 A1CD2 Hemolyzing Reagent Gen.2 en 5 FF00000004BA7F0E FF00000001329E0E 05007232190 307 cobas c 111 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended useThe hemolyzing reagent is used as diluent for the Tina‑quant Hemoglobin A1c assays on the cobas c 111 system. en