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For in vitro diagnostic use. Cytoplasm Membrane Others Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 5B7 CONFIRM IVD Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Placenta Skin CONFIRM anti-EGFR (5B7) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody RTD000783 Rabbit 5B7 05278457001 CONFIRM ANTI-EGFR (5B7) RABBIT MONOCLONA CONFIRM anti-EGFR (5B7) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody 04015630972357 Reagents, kits 790-4347 50 tests Not Available true This antibody is intended for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use.Ventana Medical Systems’ (Ventana) CONFIRM anti-EGFR (5B7) Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody is a primary antibody designed to qualitatively detect the presence of the internal domain of EGFR via light microscopy in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue following staining on a Ventana automated slide stainer. This antibody is directed against the internal domain of the human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (also called EGFR, ErbB1 or HER 1).The clinical interpretation of any staining, or the absence of staining, must be complemented by morphological studies and evaluation of proper controls. Evaluation must be made by a qualified pathologist within the context of the patient’s clinical history and other diagnostic tests. en