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Analyte Specific Reagent. Analytical and performance characteristics are not established. Others Kappa DNP Probe 538-567 ASR Kappa DNP Probe (538-567) RTD001013 06543405001 Kappa DNP Probe (538-567), ASR Kappa DNP Probe (538-567) 04015630970681 Reagents, kits 760-1202 1.5 mL Not Available true Ventana Medical Systems (Ventana) Kappa DNP Probe (538-567) is designed to bind to kappa light chain mRNA. The probe sequence is complementary to the Kappa mRNA sequence: 5’GCCAAAGUACAGUGGAAGGUGGAUAACGCC3’. en
Kappa DNP Probe (538-567)
ASRAnalyte Specific Reagent. Analytical and performance characteristics are not established.