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For in vitro diagnostic use. Others LSD IVD LSD CPS_000189 ONLINE DAT Lysergic Acid Diethylamide 08764778190 LSD, 200T, cobas c pack green LSD 07613336164891 Reagents, kits 200 tests cobas c 303/503 true 20763284122 LSD, 200T, cobas c 501/502, Integra LSD 04015630993505 Reagents, kits 2055732122 200 tests COBAS INTEGRA 400 Plus, cobas c 501/502 true 0008764778190c503 LSD ONLINE DAT Lysergic Acid Diethylamide en 3 FF000000048F6C0E FF00000003A48C0E 08764778190 8481 cobas c 503 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended use Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) assay is an in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of LSD and its metabolites in human urine on Roche/Hitachi cobas c systems at a cutoff concentration of 0.5 ng/mL. The LSD assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography or Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry or Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC‑MS, GC‑MS/MS, LC‑MS or LC‑MS/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method.LREFReuschel SA, Eades D, Foltz RL. Recent advances in chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for determination of LSD and its metabolites in physiological specimens. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;733(1-2):145-159.,LREFPoch GK, Klette KL, Hallare DA, et al. Detection of metabolites of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in human urine specimens: 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, a prevalent metabolite of LSD. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;724(1):23-33.Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used. en 0208764778190c503 LSD ONLINE DAT Lysergic Acid Diethylamide en 4 FF0000000557810E FF00000005522A0E 08764778190 9493 cobas c 303 8481 cobas c 503 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended use Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) assay is an in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of LSD and its metabolites in human urine on Roche/Hitachi cobas c systems at a cutoff concentration of 0.5 ng/mL. The LSD assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography or Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry or Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC‑MS, GC‑MS/MS, LC‑MS or LC‑MS/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method.LREFReuschel SA, Eades D, Foltz RL. Recent advances in chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for determination of LSD and its metabolites in physiological specimens. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;733(1-2):145-159.,LREFPoch GK, Klette KL, Hallare DA, et al. Detection of metabolites of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in human urine specimens: 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, a prevalent metabolite of LSD. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;724(1):23-33.Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used. en 0108764778190c503 LSD ONLINE DAT Lysergic Acid Diethylamide en 5 FF000000059B110E FF00000005105C0E 08764778190 9493 cobas c 303 8481 cobas c 503 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended use Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) assay is an in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of LSD and its metabolites in human urine on cobas c systems at a cutoff concentration of 0.5 ng/mL. The LSD assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography or Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry or Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC‑MS, GC‑MS/MS, LC‑MS or LC‑MS/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method.LREFReuschel SA, Eades D, Foltz RL. Recent advances in chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for determination of LSD and its metabolites in physiological specimens. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;733(1-2):145-159.,LREFPoch GK, Klette KL, Hallare DA, et al. Detection of metabolites of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in human urine specimens: 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, a prevalent metabolite of LSD. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;724(1):23-33.Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used. en 0020763284122COIN LSD ONLINE DAT Lysergic Acid Diethylamide en 7 FF000000037A050E FF0000000186CE0E 20763284122 302 COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended useLysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) assay is an in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of LSD and its metabolites in human urine at a cutoff concentration of 0.5 ng/mL on COBAS INTEGRA systems.The LSD assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result.Gas Chromatography or Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry or Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS, GC/MS/MS, LC/MS or LC/MS/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method.LREFReuschel SA, Eades D, Foltz RL. Recent advances in chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for determination of LSD and its metabolites in physiological specimens. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;733(1-2):145-159.,LREFPoch GK, Klette KL, Hallare DA, et al. Detection of metabolites of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in human urine specimens: 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, a prevalent metabolite of LSD. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;724(1):23-33.Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used. en 0020763284122c501 LSD Lysergic Acid Diethylamide en 6 FF0000000490390E FF000000002FF20E 20763284122 2324 cobas c 502 309 cobas c 501 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended use Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) assay is an in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of LSD and its metabolites in human urine on Roche/Hitachi cobas c systems at a cutoff concentration of 0.5 ng/mL. The LSD assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography or Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry or Tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC‑MS, GC‑MS/MS, LC‑MS or LC‑MS/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method.LREFReuschel SA, Eades D, Foltz RL. Recent advances in chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for determination of LSD and its metabolites in physiological specimens. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;733(1-2):145-159.,LREFPoch GK, Klette KL, Hallare DA, et al. Detection of metabolites of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in human urine specimens: 2-oxo-3-hydroxy-LSD, a prevalent metabolite of LSD. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl 1999;724(1):23-33.Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are used. en