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For in vitro diagnostic use. Others Lupus S IVD Lupus S CPS_000826 Lupus Screen 06504183190 Lupus Screen cobas t 60T Lupus S 04015630932191 Reagents, kits 3 × 20 tests cobas t 511/711 true 06504183500 Lupus S, Lupus C Lupus Screen, Lupus Confirm en 5 FF000000065C840E FF0000000330B70E 06504183190 06504787190 7479 cobas t 511 7480 cobas t 711 Product information shown on this page contains elements of the officially released Method Sheet. If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Intended useIn vitro assays to screen for (Lupus S) and to confirm (Lupus C) the presence of lupus anticoagulants in citrated plasma on the indicated cobas t analyzers. The assay is intended as an aid in the diagnosis of anti‑phospholipid syndrome. en