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See country-specific product labeling for regulatory status. Others Country Specific Labeling cobas eplex RP panel 2 cobas® eplex respiratory pathogen panel 2 PID00000004 09555641001 GM EPLEX RESP PATHOGEN 2 PANEL EUA KIT ePlex Respiratory Pathogen Panel 00857167005375 Reagents, kits EA001222 1 kit 12 tests true 09556486001 GM EPLEX RESP PATHOGEN 2 PANEL CEIVD KIT ePlex Respiratory Pathogen Panel 2 00857167005375 Reagents, kits EA001232 1 kit 12 tests true The cobas® eplex system automates all aspects of nucleic acid testing including extraction, amplification, and detection, combining electrowetting and eSensor technology in a single-use cartridge. eSensor technology is based on the principles of competitive DNA hybridization and electrochemical detection, which is highly specific and is not based on fluorescent or optical detection.
Electrowetting, or digital microfluidics, uses electrical fields to directly manipulate discrete droplets on the surface of a hydrophobically coated printed circuit board (PCB). Sample and reagents are moved in a programmable fashion in the ePlex cartridge to complete all portions of the sample processing from nucleic acid extraction to detection.
A sample is loaded onto the cobas® eplex cartridge, and nucleic acids are extracted and purified from the specimen via magnetic solid phase extraction. For RNA targets, a reverse transcription step is performed to generate complementary DNA from the RNA, followed by PCR to amplify the targets. Exonuclease digestion creates single-stranded DNA in preparation for eSensor detection.
The target DNA is mixed with ferrocene-labeled signal probes that are complementary to the specific targets on the panel. Target DNA hybridizes to its complementary signal probe and capture probes, which are bound to gold-plated electrodes, as shown below in Figure 1. The presence of each target is determined by voltammetry which generates specific electrical signals from the ferrocene-labeled signal probe.
cobas®eplex respiratory pathogen panel 2
Country Specific LabelingSee country-specific product labeling for regulatory status.