
Molecular Work Area

molecular work area

The need for reliable and timely results is met with our Molecular Work Area

A growing and ageing population combined with pressurised healthcare environments has led to a significant increase in testing volumes simultaneously with a skilled labour shortage. More so than ever before, laboratories are needing to do more with less. This is where our Molecular Work Area comes in.

The Roche Molecular Work Area performs over 10 millions tests per month on more than 1,000 installed systems around the world

By seamlessly integrating routine molecular testing in pressurised lab environments, the Molecular Work Area simplifies lab operations, getting patients on the path to effective treatment as soon as possible.

Built for proactive growth and agile scaling, our Molecular Work Area meets the pressures of current healthcare environments while ensuring long-term sustainability by unlocking future possibilities in the advancements of medical diagnostics.

With the Molecular Work Area, you will see a dramatic impact on the efficiency and simplicity of clinical diagnostics, while maintaining flexibility in operations to futureproof the path to successful diagnosis and treatment for patients.


Molecular Work Area Overview

Transform your lab with automation, consolidation, integration and standardisation.

Experience never-before-achieved efficiency and help redefine the role of your laboratory. Healthcare is changing — to stay competitive, so must your lab.

As pressure grows to do more with less, implementing efficient and value-adding solutions paves a sustainable pathway forward. Welcome to the future of diagnostic connectivity.

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