
Introducing the Roche Total Respiratory Solution

Roche Total Respiratory Solution
Transforming what’s possible in respiratory testing

Roche has developed a comprehensive range of rapid respiratory tests,  technologies and assays for primary, secondary and community care settings. We are helping the NHS to transform what’s possible with respiratory testing.

Respiratory illnesses puts the NHS under incredible pressure each year. Common respiratory conditions – including flu, Strep-A, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and now SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) – are the UK's third biggest causes of death.[1]  

Lord Darzi, in his recently published Independent Investigation of the National Health Service in England,[2] identified significant failings in the health sector and developed a plan to change it. He said, "There must be a major tilt towards technology to unlock productivity." Alongside adopting new tools and technologies, the NHS must “Lock in the shift of care closer to home” and  "simplify and innovate care delivery for a neighbourhood NHS,” the Darzi report states.[2]

Roche has developed a comprehensive range of rapid respiratory tests and technologies for use in primary, secondary and community care settings. Roche respiratory technologies provide clinically actionable results quickly – helping to give clinicians the confidence to make the right treatment decisions at the right time.

Reducing pressure through advanced diagnostics

During the winter, hospital admissions double, putting health systems at risk. The NHS has acknowledged that acute respiratory infections (ARI) are among the most common reasons for A&E attendance.[3]  Growing numbers of respiratory patients can add to the pressure on primary, secondary and community healthcare providers.

The Roche respiratory solution covers a broad range of clinical settings, including:

·  In the community (cobas® liat analyser)

·  In clinics and point of entry (cobas® liat analyser)

·  In hospitals (cobas® 5800, 6800 and 8800 systems & cobas® Respiratory flex)

·  For high-risk patients (cobas® eplex respiratory system)

Roche respiratory testing solutions provide clinically actionable results. Access to accurate information can help support healthcare professionals to provide appropriate advice, make faster diagnoses, and optimise treatment decisions.

Primary care respiratory testing

Respiratory testing in the community (cobas liat analyser)

The Roche cobas® liat analyser delivers gold-standard in PCR testing at the point-of-care (POC). Clinically actionable results are available in 20 minutes.[4,5,6]

POC testing can rapidly diagnose flu A/B and SARS-CoV-2 while patients wait, helping to empower clinicians to provide appropriate advice, guidance and treatment at the right time and right place.

Data can be seamlessly shared with patients, clinicians, infection control leads, and data owners, helping providers build a system-wide view of infection prevalence and spread.

Respiratory testing in clinics and point of entry (cobas liat analyser)

The cobas® liat analyser, used at hospital point of entry, can rapidly diagnose flu A/B and SARS-CoV-2 in 20 minutes, helping to ensure appropriate treatment for the patient while providing reassurance and protection for providers.

Testing technology is implemented, managed and monitored by each NHS trust's microbiology and virology teams, which helps to provide assurance and confidence in quality, repeatability and robustness.

Respiratory testing point of care
Resiratory testing in hospitals

Respiratory testing in hospitals (cobas 5800, 6800 and 8800 systems)

cobas® Respiratory flex and cobas® 5800, 6800 and 8800 systems combine to integrate, automate and improve molecular diagnostic testing for respiratory conditions – helping to accelerate diagnosis and improve patient outcomes.

Roche cobas® x800 testing systems (including the cobas® 5800, 6800 and 8800) combine instrumentation, consumables, reagents and digital solutions – providing an end-to-end respiratory testing solution designed for high-throughput operations

Roche cobas® Respiratory flex is a flexible, high-throughput, syndromic test that puts the clinician in control. Clinicians can order customised respiratory tests that are optimised for settings, address seasonality, local dynamics and patient cohort. 

Respiratory testing for high-risk patients (cobas eplex respiratory system)

The cobas® eplex respiratory system can perform rapid syndromic diagnosis, testing a single sample for 20 conditions and delivering a result in 90 minutes. 

High-risk patients with respiratory conditions can rapidly deteriorate unless they are diagnosed and treated appropriately in a timely manner. When symptoms overlap, precision respiratory testing is required – and the cobas® eplex respiratory system can deliver it.

Accurate information from a cobas® eplex respiratory system can help provide clinicians with the diagnostic confidence to deliver appropriate treatment at the earliest possible stage – potentially reducing the risk of escalation and helping to improve patient outcomes.

Respiratory testing for high-risk patients
Improving patient outcomes through rapid respiratory testing

Roche respiratory testing may help to make secondary care patient pathways safer, helping to reduce the risk of infection spread and enable appropriate treatments for adults, children and the clinically vulnerable.

The Roche respiratory solution combines advanced hardware, software and consumables with specialised service and support.

Our tests and technologies are robust, reliable and repeatable. We ensure that microbiologists, virologists, and lab leaders stay in touch and in control of test processes and pathways and assure quality – giving patients, clinicians, and healthcare providers confidence.

Transforming what’s possible in respiratory testing

Respiratory illnesses impact the health service every winter, with primary, secondary and community care providers often struggling to deal with the growing number of sick patients.

Lord Darzi concludes the NHS needs to change, embracing new ways of working, adopting advanced tools and technologies, and moving care closer to patients.[2]

Roche respiratory solutions can help support clinicians to diagnose, treat appropriately and potentially discharge patients faster  – which could help to reduce pressure on healthcare professionals and providers.

Roche has a range of ready-to-implement respiratory solutions for use in labs, clinics and community settings. Rapid respiratory test results can help clinicians deliver treatment at the earliest possible stage, helping to ensure appropriate prescribing, thereby potentially reducing the risk of escalation, and improving patient outcomes.

Roche can support you at every stage of your service redesign and reconfiguration, helping you build pathways, create solutions and target resources effectively. We are a trusted NHS partner and have been working with the NHS since its inception.  

Learn more about how we can help you to transform what's possible in respiratory testing.

Learn more about Roche respiratory solutions.

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[1] (2024). NHS Choices. NHS. Available at:  (Accessed: June 5 2024).

[2] (2024). Accessed September 16.  (Accessed: September 16 2024)

[3] (2024). NHS Choices. NHS. Available at:  (Accessed: June 5 2024)

[4] (2024). Roche.  Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2024).

[5] (2024). Roche. Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2024).

[6] (2024). Roche. Available at: (Accessed: 2 October 2024).