Blood Sciences
At Roche Diagnostics, serology is in our blood. We are dedicated to offering laboratories the latest diagnostic solutions to improve the reliability and workflows involved in diagnosing or treating bloodborne infections through blood science innovation and transfusion science.
From the diagnosis of Hepatitis, to the monitoring of HIV, or emergency blood transfusions, understanding the chemistry of blood with the use of blood science diagnostics is critical to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of both patients and healthcare professionals.
Automation-focused solutions from Roche Diagnostics
To tackle the challenges involved with blood sciences, Roche Diagnostics have prioritised bringing innovative, automation-focused solutions to serological laboratories. The absolute automation provided by Roche’s Serum Work Area reduces the amount of hands-on time required in labs, minimising risks of human error and contamination.
Blood sciences within any given laboratory should be done to extremely accurate and safe standards. Roche Diagnostics believes our automated focus to understanding the chemistry of blood will alleviate serological duality and enhance blood safety.
The reliable and timely results provided by our cobas® range aim to take pressure away from HCPs, giving them more time to spend at point-of-care with patients. Our cobas® range also aims to provide a greater number of results in a shorter space of time, allowing labs to work more efficiently, garnering more accurate results, reducing risks for both healthcare professionals and patients alike.
Find out more about Roche's Serum Work Area.