Product portfolio

Donor Screening – Serology Solutions

Bringing safety, reliability and efficiency to donor screening

Roche Diagnostics serology assays and instruments can be used to perform a broad range of immunoassays and offer various options to suit your throughput needs.

Roche Elecsys® assays include highly specific and sensitive serology tests to detect infectious diseases. The test is based on ECL (ElectroChemiLuminescence) technology and delivers reliable results.1-10 All serology screening assays detect the major viral genotypes and variants found worldwide. They show very high seroconversion sensitivity, and their very high specificity and clear cut-off separation of positive and negative results reduces the need for retesting.1-10


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Ensuring patient safety during blood transfusions

Ensuring patient safety during blood transfusions

Comprehensive variant coverage to ensure reliable detection of infectious samples1-10

Excellent sensitivity to allow for detection of early infections1-10

Automated sample handling reduces risk of manual handling errors

Improving efficiency by automating screening tests

Improving efficiency by automating screening tests

Decrease the need for retesting and minimise loss of donations due to high specificity of Elecsys® assays1-10

Allow your staff to focus on important tasks by achieving up to 5 hours of walkaway time12

Supporting a consistent and reliable blood supply

Supporting a consistent and reliable blood supply

Optimised uptime (>99,2%)11 of cobas® instruments that ensure the timely release of blood products

Validated workflows for cross-contamination compliance13

Assurance in service with skilled local Roche support teams available when you need them

Explore Roche serology assays and analysers for donor screening


A comprehensive state-of-the-art portfolio to deliver an integrated solution on the same serology instrument. 


Donor screening assay


  • Elecsys® HIV Duo*
  • Elecsys® HIV combi PT
  • Elecsys® Anti-HCV II
  • Elecsys® HBsAg II
  • Elecsys® Anti-HBc II
  • Elecsys® Anti-HBs II
  • Elecsys® HTLV-I/II
  • Elecsys® Syphilis
  • Elecsys® CMV IgG
  • Elecsys® Chagas

Additional serology assays


  • Elecsys® Anti-HAV
  • Elecsys® Anti-HAV-IgM
  • Elecsys® Anti-HBc IgM
  • Elecsys® Anti-HBe
  • Elecsys® CMV IgG avidity
  • Elecsys® CMV IgM
  • Elecsys® EBV EBNA IgG
  • Elecsys® EBV VCA IgG 
  • Elecsys® EBV IgM
  • Elecsys® HBeAg
  • Elecsys® HBsAg II quant II
  • Elecsys® HCV Duo*



  • Elecsys® HIV-Ag
  • Elecsys® HSV-1 IgG
  • Elecsys® HSV-2 IgG
  • Elecsys® Rubella
  • Elecsys® Rubella IgM
  • Elecsys® Toxo IgG
  • Elecsys® Toxo IgG avidity
  • Elecsys® Toxo IgM
  • Elecsys® Zika IgG

*For cobas e801


Designed to work together

Please contact your local Roche representative regarding the availability of the Roche Blood Safety Solutions portfolio.



  1. Mühlbacher, A., et al. (2013). Med Microbiol Immunol 202, 77–86.
  2. Mühlbacher, A., et al. (2008). Med Microbiol Immunol 197, 55–64.
  3. Esteban, J., et al. (2013). J Med Virol 85, 1362–1368.
  4. Ly, T.D., et al. (2012). J Clin Virol 55, 121–127.
  5. Louisirirotchanakul, S., et al. (2010). J Med Virol 82, 755–762.
  6. Jia, J.D., et al. (2009). Med Microbiol Immunol 198, 263–269.
  7. Laperche, S., et al. (2017). J. Clin. Microbiol 55, 2180-2187.
  8. Kremastinou, J., et al. (2016). J. Clin. Microbiol 54, 2330-2336.
  9. Sommese, L., et al. (2014). Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 46, 660–664.
  10. Schmidt, M., et al. (2015). Vox Sanguinis 109, 114-21.
  11. Data on file. Roche Diagnostics International Ltd.
  12. Data on file. Roche Diagnostics International Ltd.
  13. Roche. (2016). Declaration of Serology and NAT testing compliance.  |  Iordanoaia, N., et al. (2016 September). Cross-contamination​ ​Compliance of cobas p 612 pre-analytical system in use with cobas® 6800/8800 Systems. Poster presented at ISBT, Dubai, UAE.
Serology products
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