cobas® u 701 microscopy analyzer

Automation of the gold standard1
IVD For in vitro diagnostic use.
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Automation of the gold standard1

The cobas u 701 microscopy analyzer automates manual microscopy, the gold standard1 in urine sediment analysis. The analyzer standardizes and automates all manual steps, removes operator intervention and increases efficiency.2

Full automation and standardization of microscopy

The automation provided by the cobas u 701 microscopy analyzer minimizes operator intervention and improves turn around time (TAT) for sediment analysis. It standardizes all steps of the process which leads to repeatable and reliable results.

Providing digital images

The analyzer uses a digital microscope to take high-power field (HPF) images that are known from manual microscopy. The system automatically analyzes the particles of these images with an neural network based algorithm. The operator can simply validate the results and perform advanced result evaluation directly on the user interface of the analyzer.

Reliable counting performance

The cobas u 701 microscopy analyzer uses a database with reference images to evaluate the 11 individual sediment particles types in the digital image. A multicenter evaluation proved the accuracy and reliability of the system performance.3

The cobas u 701 microscopy analyzer at a glance

cobas u 701 microscopy analyzer
1. cobas u 701 user interface


  • 19” touch screen, designed for ease of use
  • Intuitive user interface for efficient operations and fast training
  • Step-wise wizard guided procedures for maintenance activities
  • Host connection to transmit results to a centralized LIS
2. RFID reader for QC


  • Built-in RFID reader on the analyzer
  • Scanning the RFID card automatically transfers all QC lot specific information to the analyzer
    • QC level
    • Target ranges
    • Lot number
    • Expiry date
3. cobas u 701 module


  • Fully automated urine sediment analysis
  • Throughput of up to 116 samples/hour
  • Takes, retains and reports 15 images/sample
  • Reagent-free design, only uses disposable cuvettes (cobas u cuvette) as consumables
  • cobas u cuvette: 400 cuvettes/cassette with RFID labeling
  • Reclassification functionality allows evaluation of advanced parameters
4. Input buffer


  • Loading capacity: 75 samples (15 racks with 5 samples/rack)
  • Automatic start of operation after loading
  • STAT input slot for emergency samples


5. Output buffer


  • Buffer capacity: 75 samples
  • Walk away time of 39 minutes
  • Tray unloading: Transport 75 samples in one singe efficient movement


  • Fully automated

    Fully automated urine microscopy system

  • Parameters

    11 on-board parameters

  • Reagent-free

    Reagent-free system

  • Throughput

    116 samples/hour

  • Cuvettes

    400 cuvettes per cassette (cobas u cuvette)

  • Storage

    Storage of digital microscopy images

cobas® 6500 urine analyzer series

cobas® 6500 urine analyzer series

One tube, one touch – fully automated urine workflow


  1. Delanghe, J., Speeckaert, M. (2014). Preanalytical requirements of urinalysis. Biochemia Medica 24(1),89-104, 894.
  2. Cho, E.-J., Ko, D.-H. (2018). The efficient workflow to decrease the manual microscopic examination of urine sediment using on-screen review of images. Clinical Biochemistry.
  3. Roche Diagnostics (2018). cobas® 6500 urine analyzer series performance evaluation: Study report from a multicenter evaluation of the cobas u 601, cobas u 701 and cobas® 6500 systems. Switzerland: Roche Diagnostics International Ltd.


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