
VENTANA slide scanners

Digital pathology performance – from start to finish

The foundation of a good digital pathology solution starts with a reliable, high-quality scanner that pathology labs can trust. It should be easy to use while also providing high-resolution, high-quality images. Equip your laboratory with slide scanners that provide consistent, reproducible images with color reproduction that maps to glass images seen under microscopes. These high-quality standards are coupled with advanced solutions for efficiency including, but not limited to, an intuitive interface and fast scan time. 

VENTANA slide scanners1 are a scalable solution that can be optimized to digitize changing slide volumes. Scan whole slide images in under 1 minute per slide, for maximum speed without compromising performance. The tray-based system eliminates slide-handling errors such as breakage and lost slides, and improves reliability. Our scanners use innovative dynamic focus optical technology to produce high resolution, high quality images. Plus, built-in calibration provides you with the trust you need to gain accuracy in your results. 

The VENTANA slide scanners’ ease of use, flexible workflows and high image quality can maximize laboratory productivity and enable confidence in clinical decisions.

VENTANA is a trademark of Roche. Other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


  1. Registration Status: CE-IVD marked.