cobas® b 101 system

One-stop solution for HbA1c, lipids, and CRP testing in the Hospital and Primary Care Setting
IVD For in vitro diagnostic use.
Product image for cobas b 101 system

One-stop solution for HbA1c, lipids, and CRP testing in the Hospital and Primary Care Setting

Discover cobas b101 system

cobas b 101 system delivers fast and reliable results and is intended for professional use in a clinical laboratory or at Point of Care locations.  Check the video to find out more.

discover cobas b 101

Discover cobas b101

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Easy and safe operations

  • Direct blood application from a single finger stick with small volume
  • No calibration needed, maintenance- and service-free, guidance by the graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Robust, maintenance- and calibration-free with a wide operating temperature and humidity range
  • Connection to the laboratory environment with cobas® infinity POC IT solutions
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Save time

  • Connect the cobas b 101 system to your practice software and transfer test results directly to the electronic patient record.
  • Speed up and simplify tasks with identical procedures for all tests.
  • Use the tests without warming them up - no waiting time.
  • You can rest assured that the cobas b 101 system is maintenance-free and always ready for use.
  • Fast turnaround time: from patient preparation to displaying dual testing results in a less than 15-minute workflow and single testing results in about 6 minutes (CRP in less than 4 minutes)
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Save Space

  • Store tests at room temperature and save space in the fridge.
  • Use the smallest test system in its class for CRP, HbA1c and lipids.

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cobas b 101 system



  1. Roche (2012). multi-center evaluation data on file.
  2. Roche (2019) cobas HbA1c Test, Method Sheet Version 2.0
  3. Roche (2019) cobas Lipid Panel, Method Sheet Version 5.0
  4. Roche (2019) cobas CRP Test, Method Sheet Version 2.0


Ordering Information

Product specifications

  • Sample size

    HbA1c: 2 μL
    Lipid: 19 μL
    CRP: 12 μL

  • Sample material

    Capillary whole blood, venous whole blood with anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin)
    HbA1c PST: 
    Capillary whole blood




    Capillary whole blood, venous whole blood or plasma with anticoagulant (EDTA)
    Lipid PST: 
    Capillary whole blood




    CRP: Capillary whole blood or serum, venous whole blood or plasma with anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin)








  • Measurement range

    20-130 mmol/mol (IFCC) or 4-14 % (DCCT/NGSP)


    CHOL: 50-500 mg/dL or 1.28-12.95 mmol/L
    TRIGL: 45-650 mg/dL or 0.50-7.35 mmol/L
    HDL-CHOL: 15-100 mg/dL or 0.38-2.60 mmol/L
    LDL-CHOL: estimated using the Friedewald equation


    3.0-400 mg/L or 0.30-40.0 mg/dL

  • Test storage

    2-30 °C

  • Test stability

    CRP Lipid: 16 months
    HbA1c: 22 months

    Opened: 20 minutes 








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