Urisys 1100® analyzer

Small and easy to use
IVD For in vitro diagnostic use.
Urisys 1100® analyzer
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Easy operation

After placing a Combur-Test® strip on the strip tray and pressing the Start button, incubation, evaluation and printouts are processed automatically, quickly and quietly – providing efficiency and convenience.


Safe data management


Data input via barcode reader or keyboard increases convenience. Urisys 1100® can be easily connected to LIS through cobas IT 1000 to communicate patient data and transfer results. Manual documentation errors are minimized, enabling improved patient safety.


Standardized measurement and reading


The Urisys 1100® standardizes all strip testing processes and eliminates possible sources of visual evaluation errors. Standardized operation procedure leads to more confident results.

Urisys 1100® analyzer



  1. Urisys 1100 analyzer Operator's Manual, 2018.
  2. Combur10 Test UX strip, M. S., 2018. eLabDoc. [Online] Available at: https://dialog1.roche.com.


Ordering Information


  • Workloads

    10 – 50 samples per day

  • Throughput

    approx. 50 test strips/hour

  • Resistant

    Combur-Test® strip is virtually resistant to ascorbic acid interference and provides reliable result largely unaffected by ascorbic acid in the sample.2

  • Calibration

    Control-Test M for weekly calibration

  • Test strips

    Combur 10 Test® UX

  • Memory capacity

    100 results

  • Printer

    Thermal printer

  • Connectivity

    Connectivity to the cobas POC IT solution

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