cobas® eplex system

IVD For in vitro diagnostic use.
<b>cobas<sup>®</sup> eplex</b> system

True sample-to-answer workflow

  • Bi-directional LIS to automate and accelerate order entry and results reporting
  • Random and continuous access and a modular, scalable design to ensure capacity for your syndromic testing needs
  • Less than 1 minute hands-on time 
  • Remote alerts to notify you when test results are available
  • Intuitive user interface with guided workflows to enable operation on every shift
  • Remote service capability to minimize system downtime and ensure patients and physicians have access to rapid test results


Order-to-report is what matters most:


The cobas eplex system is designed for order-to-report with a lean workflow by eliminating manual steps and staging of samples that often delay and complicate efficient test processing and results reporting.

cobas eplex system: sample-to-answer solution
icon designed for the patient

Designed for the patient, optimized for the lab

While many systems claim sample-to-answer capabilities, only the cobas eplex system integrates the entire process from order-to-report to better realize the patient and laboratory benefits of rapid, multiplex molecular diagnostics. 

icon reduce medical errors

Designed for the patient: reduce avoidable medical errors

The cobas eplex system is uniquely designed with patient safety features in mind so that labs and physicians can have the confidence that they have the right patient, with the right test, and the right result, every time.

  • Reduce the chance of pre-analytical errors with < than 1 minute hands-on time and guided workflows

  • Transcription errors can be eliminated in both order entry and result reporting with bi-directional LIS

icon optimized for the lab

Optimized for the lab: maximize lab efficiency by reducing administrative overhead

Monitoring and reporting quality control testing is both a requirement and a best practice to ensure accuracy of patient results and compliance with lab standards. With on-board QC tracking capabilities and safeguards, you can not only run controls when required, you can also easily track and report compliance.

In addition to automated QC tracking, the cobas eplex system provides the following compliance and data management tools:

  • Integrated data analytics to easily monitor lab performance

  • On-demand epidemiology reports for exprt and simplified analysis

  • Fully configurable, auto-release of test results

The cobas eplex system is an automated in vitro diagnostic device designed to perform multiplexed nucleic acid tests for the simultaneous detection and identification of nucleic acid targets by processing single-use cartridges.


Access package inserts through your country’s Roche Diagnostics local website.


  1. Martin A Makary, Michael Daniel. Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US. BMJ, 2016; i2139 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.i2139
  2. The National Academics of Sciences Engineering Medicine. Accessed April 20, 2017


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