cobas respiratory flex

Syndromic PCR testing designed with the flexibility to test just what you need 

Respitratory overview image
Multiply PCR power and simplify lab logistics

Introducing the cobas® Respiratory flex assay, designed to enhance your diagnostic capabilities with Roche-developed innovative TAGS (temperature activated generation of signal) technology. TAGS allows higher multiplexing with up to 15 differentiated targets and can be performed today with your existing cobas® 5800, 6800 and 8800 systems without hardware or software changes.

cobas® Respiratory flex brings you flexibility with definitive PCR results for up to 12 common viral respiratory results, all from one test kit. Run the full panel or select specific initial targets then automatically trigger additional results through digital reflex for those patients who need it.

Simplify lab logistics with our customisable solution that supports both diagnostics and financial stewardship. Manage fluctuating volumes efficiently with fewer staff, optimising operations and streamlining inventory management. Trust Roche's industry-exclusive assay automation to support PCR diagnosis with unparalleled efficiency and precision.

-External-cobas Respiratory flex overview video

Flexible sydromic testing

Tailor based on the wide range of variables you encounter each respiratory season

  • Optimised for testing

Emergency department, GP surgery, hospital lab, independent lab

  • Address seasonality

Design a winter or summer panel

  • Adjust for your local dynamics

Test what is relevant in your region

  • Address patient segments

Infant, elderly, immunocompromised, otherwise healthy adult

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