
Roche Pregnancy Care Solutions

From Care to Excellence

A woman's journey to motherhood is one paved with milestones and bridges to cross. From planning and knowing whether she can conceive, to early pregnancy and making sure that the precious new gift growing inside is healthy. From certainty that her baby is developing as planned in the second and third trimesters, to a successful delivery and effective postnatal care.

In this journey, she needs a steady hand, a trustworthy guide, and unwavering support at every step of the way. Whether you offer her comfort as the direct care giver, an impeccably reliable test result as the lab specialist, or prudent foresight as the administrator/decisionmaker, her journey is your own. One Roche Pregnancy Care solutions enable you to provide her with the holistic care that she requires at every stage of her journey to motherhood.



Pregnancy care journey

As a clinician...

As the guide that she turns to not only throughout her pregnancy, but also as she plans to conceive and post-delivery, your contribution to offering reassurance to both mother and child is indispensable. One Roche Pregnancy Care diagnostic and screening solutions empower your decision making with certainty, while giving you confidence in advising her throughout her journey to motherhood.


One Roche pregnancy care diagnostic solutions offer you an effective and accurate diagnostic and screening solutions. This includes the Elecsys AMH immunoassay, enabling you to conduct fast, fully automated, sensitive and robust measurement of AMH as a reliable source of prognostic information in fertility counseling for an aspiring mother.


Once her pregnancy journey has begun, Roche's Harmony prenatal (NIPT) test examines fragments of the baby's DNA in the mother's blood to provide accurate information about the likelihood of the most common chromosomal conditions as early as 10 weeks into the pregnancy. 


Finally, Roche's Elecsys sFlt-1 and PIGF immunoassays for preeclampsia represent a reliable tool that enables you to confidently identify and closely monitor mothers at high risk of developing the condition, while discharging those that are not likely to develop the disease - both while screening between the first and second trimesters, and then diagnosing and predicting in the second and third trimesters of the pregnancy. 

As a laboratory professional...

As a reliable service provider that enables clinicians to guide their patients based on accurate test results, your role in driving the value of diagnostics is crucial. One Roche Pregnancy Care diagnostic and screening solutions offer confidence rooted in precision, so you can aspire to excellence as a trusted partner. One that provides her with all the answers she needs not only throughout her journey to motherhood, but also as she plans to conceive and during post-natal care. 


One Roche pregnancy care diagnostic solutions offer you diagnostic and screening solutions that empower you with the precision you need, being a trusted partner while guiding her on her journey to motherhood with accurate data. Unleash the full value of your lab and drive the transformation of fertility care management through diagnostic breakthroughs and excellent technical performance.


Roche's Elecsys AMH immunoassays provide clinical confidence and enable you to conduct fast, fully automated, sensitive and robust measurement of AMH, as a reliable tool for assessment of ovarian reserve, prediction of response to COS, and individualized dosing of follitropin delta.


Once the pregnancy journey has begun, Roche's Harmony prenatal (NIPT) testing can provide accurate information about the likelihood of the most common chromosomal conditions as early as 10 weeks into the pregnancy. 


Finally, Roche's Elecsys sFlt-1 and PIGF immunoassays for preeclampsia represent a reliable tool that enables you to confidently identify and closely monitor mothers at high risk of developing the condition. Accurate identification of high-risk patients in the first trimester can result in use of prophylactic aspirin, which can lead to reduced incidence of PE. You and your lab can also play an important role in improved accuracy and sensitivity for PE prediction and diagnosis in the second and third trimesters, resulting in a reduction of over-treatment and unnecessary hospitalization.

As a decision maker in healthcare...

As a result-oriented decision maker, you value the ability to optimize your organization's resources and direct them to where they are needed most. One Roche Pregnancy Care diagnostic and screening solutions enable you to be an agent of transformation and secure a better tomorrow for future generations by safeguarding the wellbeing of both mother and child. Lead by example in delivering personalized pregnancy care, not only throughout her journey to motherhood, but also as she plans to conceive and during post-natal care.


One Roche pregnancy care diagnostic solutions offer you the ability to optimize your organization's resources, along with the ability to deliver excellence in value-based, personalized pregnancy care throughout her journey to motherhood. Lead by example and drive the transformation of healthcare by making your contribution felt from the earliest stage of the pregnancy with the Elecsys AMH immunoassays, a reliable source of information in fertility counseling for an aspiring mother.


Once her pregnancy journey has begun, Roche's Harmony NIPT found to be better than conventional methods in first trimester screening for the most common chromosomal conditions, as defined by sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value1 - represents a global opportunity to improve prenatal testing and protect aspiring mothers by limiting invasive methods that carry a risk of miscarriage. 


Finally, Roche's Elecsys sFlt-1 and PIGF immunoassays for preeclampsia are a reliable and cost-effective tool for first-trimester screening and confident identification of mothers at high risk of developing the condition - a leading cause of maternal and fetal death across the world every year2. In the second and third trimesters, Roche's screening methods can improve risk stratification among pregnant women with suspected preeclampsia, potentially improving resource utilization among low-risk patients, and avoiding unnecessary hospitalization ahead of the onset of the disorder. 

Pregnancy care clinician

Video Testimonials

Harmony NIPT Mom Story: Melissa

Testimonial Melissa

Harmony NIPT Mom Story: Jean

Testimonial Jean
Pregnancy Care

The value of testing in pregnancy care

A woman's journey to motherhood is one paved with milestones and bridges to cross. Whether you offer her comfort as the direct care giver, an impeccably reliable test result as the lab specialist, or prudent foresight as the decisionmaker, her journey is your own.


  1. Norton M, et al, N Engl J Med. 2015 Apr 23;372(17):1589-97.
  2. FIGO guidelines to combat pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia: a global health issue. (May 2019). Available at: (Last accessed March 2021)