
Workflow Efficiency

Laboratories are being asked to do more with less

Aging and growing populations, increased prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases, and rising costs are impacting the diagnostic landscape.

Laboratories face constant pressure to deliver high quality results while increasing efficiency and lowering cost. Time-consuming manual tasks and siloed workstreams limit their ability to meet growing demands or adapt to new trends. To ensure long-term sustainability, labs need to change their approach.

Roche’s leading portfolio of molecular solutions can simplify and streamline testing for laboratories of all sizes, throughputs and disciplines. Eliminating unnecessary touchpoints and error-prone processes allows technicians to better use their time and get more done with less.

The Molecular Work Area

What if labs could consolidate and automate more than 90%* of routine testing?

Today, the Molecular Work Area is revolutionizing laboratory connectivity, bringing workflow efficiency to a never-before-achieved level. Built around the cobas® 6800 and cobas® 8800 Systems, the Molecular Work Area can elevate the value your laboratory delivers with automation, consolidation, integration, and standardization.

  • High-throughput systems feature a broad menu of the right assays to streamline instrumentation and optimize footprint
  • Fully automated workflows standardize processes, reduce error, and free-up staff for high value-added tasks
  • Integrate pre-analytical automation or seamlessly connect across disciplines to bring your laboratory to the next level

*May vary based on assay availability in your country

Analytical testing efficiency is just the beginning

Extend value with pre- and post-analytical solutions


In today’s evolving healthcare environment, laboratories need to maximize efficiency across their entire workflow starting with the pre-analytical phase. Historically, this critical first step is labor-intensive and time-consuming, putting technicians at risk of repetitive motion injuries and subjecting samples to human error - up to 75% of all lab errors occur in the pre-analytical phase.1

Integrating automation into the molecular pre-analytical phase enables laboratories to transform their workflow, exchanging risk for reliability, error for efficiency, and complexity for confidence.

The cobas® prime Pre-analytical System is the first and only solution capable of automatically preparing the large variety and volume of sample types used in molecular diagnostic testing. This drastically reduces the number of manual interactions, eliminating virtually all opportunity for human error associated with pipetting.

  • Improved staff satisfaction: Up to 6.5 hours of “work-away” time*
  • Increased efficiency and throughput: 1,600 samples in an 8-hours shift**
  • Reduced workflow complexity: 2 steps: load and unload

*May vary based on workflow demands. Example, aliquoting samples in cobas PCR Media tubes workflow.

**Tubes decapping only workflow. Data on file from Roche

Enabling complete consolidation of molecular testing

Roche’s powerful portfolio of analytical systems are complemented by a broad menu of assays. This combination enables labs to consolidate testing, reducing the need for multiple analyzers and helping to optimize the laboratory footprint.

Further consolidation is possible with the ability to move lab developed tests (LDTs) onto the same platform as in vitro diagnostics (IVD). This brings the high throughput, automation and standardized workflow of IVD testing to LDTs, enabling labs to increase the value they provide. However, as throughput demand increases, the burden of manual sample preparation grows.

The cobas® prime Pre-analytical System allows further efficiency to be integrated at the start of a molecular workflow with the automated processing of a wide range of sample types. This enables laboratories to confidently embrace the full potential of their instruments, consolidating more sample types without increasing the pre-analytical workload.

  • One universal tray for a variety of sample types and tests—no presorting required
  • Eliminate the need for a variety of instruments and processes—minimize training and costs
  • Process additional sample types with the optional Process Plus Module—capabilities include reagent addition, heating, and re-capping
Go beyond connectivity with seamless integration

Automate everything from entry to archive with cobas® connection modules (CCM)*, your fast track to sample flow efficiency.

  • Physically connect Roche systems to pre- and post-analytical solutions or across disciplines
  • Greatly reduce human interaction and error with end-to-end automation
  • Validated for cross-contamination compliance of molecular testing


cobas® infinity laboratory solution employs dynamic decision-making and laboratory-specific insights to help you maximize your output with minimal effort.

  • Minimize the risk of error, duplications and delays to drive substantial cost savings
  • Track results and processes with an intelligent and robust IT solution
  • Ensure contamination control, sample integrity and full traceability

*cobas® connection modules (CCM) and the full connectivity of cobas® prime connected via CCM to cobas® 6800/8800 Systems may not be available in all markets.

Close up of sample preparation
Bringing IVD workflow gains to lab developed testing

From defending against outbreaks to managing disease proliferation, laboratory developed tests (LDT) are a key point of differentiation for labs. Efficiently processing LDTs offers the potential to increase profitability and elevate the laboratory’s role within an organization.

Roche offers a diverse range of nucleic acid purification and qPCR solutions for all throughputs, including the cobas omni Utility Channel for use on cobas® 6800/8800 Systems. This dedicated open channel allows labs to consolidate routine LDTs with Roche IVD assays on a single platform. By extending the productivity gains, traceability reassurance, and cross-contamination controls of IVD assays to LDTs, laboratories can efficiently expand their testing menu without growing their footprint.

Two female healthcare managers in a discussion
Expert support for your efficient transformation

Roche Healthcare Consulting can help you deliver the best possible care at every touch point. From process analysis and laboratory design to change management and data analysis, our team of experts will guide you through an efficient laboratory transformation.


  1. Hammerling JA. A Review of Medical Errors in Laboratory Diagnostics and Where We Are Today. Laboratory Medicine. 2012;43(2): 41–44.