
ISBT 2023

Delivering confidence in transfusion safety from donor to patient

Roche Blood Safety Solutions (RBSS) looks forward to welcoming you to our booth and events at ISBT 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are excited by the opportunity to once again connect and engage with you face-to-face. To that end, we cordially invite you to visit our booth for interactive activities and to join us for our symposia events at the Svenske Mässan.


Join us for the following symposia events

Meet the speakers

Dr. Miguel J. Martinez

Dr. Miguel J. Martinez


Dr. Miguel J. Martinez obtained his degree in Medicine at the University of Navarra (Spain) and completed his specialization in Micrboiology and Parasitology at Hospital Clinic de Barcelona in 2004. From 2005-2009 he worked at the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), Filovirus Laboratory, (Lyon, France) developing his PhD on molecular mechanisms of Ebolavirus transcription and replication. He then came back to Barcelona where he is currently the Head of Virology at the Microbiology Department of Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Associate Medical Professor at the University of Barcelona and Associate Researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health. His main areas of research are arboviruses/emerging viruses and infectious causes of death in low-income countries.

Dr. Heli Tenkanen

Dr. Heli Tenkanen


 Clinical Biochemist, PhD

 Heli Tenkanen has wide experience as laboratory specialist in the laboratory of Finnish Red Cross Blood Service (FRCBS). FRCBS takes care of all blood donations in Finland.  Since 2017 Heli works in infection screening and blood grouping processes of blood donor samples.  Recently she was a scrum master and a laboratory specialist in the implementation project of Laboratory Automation Technology as well as in the tendering project of Laboratory Automation Technology.

Carlo Fisher

Carlo Fisher


 Carlo Fisher is a member of the AG Drexler Virus Epidemiology laboratory, Institute of Virology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Carlo has authored multiple publications on emerging infectious diseases including SARS-CoV-2 and Arboviruses. He has particular expertise in molecular diagnostics and epidemiology of zoonotic diseases.

Susan Galel

Susan A. Galel, MD


Senior Director of Medical Affairs

Global Indication Lead, Donor Screening

Roche Diagnostics Solutions


 Dr. Galel received her MD degree from Harvard Medical School, and completed clinical training in pediatrics, pediatric hematology/oncology, and transfusion medicine at Stanford University.  Following her training she was hired onto the faculty of the Stanford University School of Medicine where she served for many years as medical director of the blood donor center and donor testing laboratory, and as associate director of the Stanford Hospital transfusion service.  Dr. Galel joined Roche Diagnostics in 2014 and continues as an emeritus faculty of Stanford University.  Dr. Galel has authored numerous manuscripts and book chapters on transfusion medicine and donor infectious disease screening.  Dr. Galel is currently the chair of the AABB Blood Banks and Transfusion Service Standards committee, and a member of the AABB Transfusion-Transmitted Diseases Committee, the ISBT working party for Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases, and the US Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Blood and Tissue Safety and Availability.


Ms. Analia Seravalle

Ms. Analia Seravalle


Ms. Analia Seravalle is a biotechnologist at the CIBIC Laboratories in Rosario, Argentina. She graduated from the National University of Rosario, Argentina. Ms. Seravalle began her career at CIBIC Laboratories in 2006, starting as a molecular biology analyst. She continued working in the area of research and development, and since 2012 became the manager of the molecular biology team. Ms. Seravalle had made many presentations at different congresses in the area of clinical diagnostics and blood screening.

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Roche Blood Safety Solutions

Roche offers a complete solution for whole blood and plasma screening tailored to your needs and designed to work together for maximum efficiency.