cobas® 5800 System

Innovation made accessible
IVD For in vitro diagnostic use.
cobas® 5800 System
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Performance is a right, not a privilege

Laboratories face competing pressures to streamline cost, add value, and drive growth while empowering employee productivity and enabling better patient decision-making. Those challenges are often complex, leading to trade-offs between flexibility, performance, efficiency, value, sustainability and success.


How can laboratories find the right balance?


The cobas® 5800 System helps by making automation, consolidation, integration and standardization more accessible than ever before.

Roche's proven molecular concept now comes in a compact size, delivering premium performance and value-added utility from a small footprint.

cobas® 5800 System - Capability, Flexibility, Efficiency



Improve productivity and reduce error


  • Minimize hands-on time with fully automated workflows
  • Maximize productivity with continuous loading of samples and supplies
  • Meet urgent requests with on-demand testing of samples



Maximize the value of your lab space


  • Consolidate >90% of routine testing on a single platform*
  • Run IVDs and LDTs on one system using the cobas® omni Utility Channel
  • Streamline instrumentation with a broad testing menu

* Depending on availability in your country



Scale efficiently as demands change


  • Connect seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure
  • Generate laboratory-specific insights to drive efficiency and productivity
  • Include pre-analytical automation for greater simplicity of the entire workflow



Ensure consistency across testing


  • Streamline processes with common assays, reagents and user experiences
  • Deliver consistent patient results across testing sites
  • Leverage built-in scalability to adapt to growing test volumes

The cobas® 5800 System doesn’t cut corners, it fits neatly into them

Improve the productivity of your floor space by running a broad menu of assays from a small footprint, using fully automated and standardized workflows.

cobas® 5800 System

Big on features, small in footprint

Add capacity, improve capability, streamline confidence.

  • 20–150 samples per day
  • Broad menu of more than 25 assays*
  • Up to 15 assays onboard at all times
  • Up to 6 different assays in a single run
  • Up to 144 results in an 8-hour shift
  • Customizable control concept
  • Walkaway time of up to 4 hours
  • Compact size: 134cm x 79cm
  • Possibility to prioritize samples and assays

* May vary based on availability in your country.

** Walkaway time is dependent upon number of runs initiated (under continuous testing conditions >96 tests per shift, walkaway time may be between 4 - 8 hours).

cobas® 5800 System throughput

The cobas® 5800 System shares its "DNA" with cobas® 6800 and cobas® 8800 Systems, boasting a common assay menu, reagent concept and user interface.

5800 throughput
Molecular Work Area Visual

The Molecular Work Area

The comprehensive and scalable Molecular Work Area streamlines testing and augments Roche systems with extra automation, analytics and expertise. A key component, the cobas® 5800 elevates value and unlocks long-term sustainability and success.


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