cobas® 5800 System

Performance is a right, not a privilege
Laboratories face competing pressures to streamline cost, add value, and drive growth while empowering employee productivity and enabling better patient decision-making. Those challenges are often complex, leading to trade-offs between flexibility, performance, efficiency, value, sustainability and success.
How can laboratories find the right balance?
The cobas® 5800 System helps by making automation, consolidation, integration and standardization more accessible than ever before.
Roche's proven molecular concept now comes in a compact size, delivering premium performance and value-added utility from a small footprint.
Improve productivity and reduce error
- Minimize hands-on time with fully automated workflows
- Maximize productivity with continuous loading of samples and supplies
- Meet urgent requests with on-demand testing of samples

Maximize the value of your lab space
- Consolidate >90% of routine testing on a single platform*
- Run IVDs and LDTs on one system using the cobas® omni Utility Channel
- Streamline instrumentation with a broad testing menu
* Depending on availability in your country
Scale efficiently as demands change
- Connect seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure
- Generate laboratory-specific insights to drive efficiency and productivity
- Include pre-analytical automation for greater simplicity of the entire workflow

Ensure consistency across testing
- Streamline processes with common assays, reagents and user experiences
- Deliver consistent patient results across testing sites
- Leverage built-in scalability to adapt to growing test volumes

The cobas® 5800 System doesn’t cut corners, it fits neatly into them
Improve the productivity of your floor space by running a broad menu of assays from a small footprint, using fully automated and standardized workflows.

Big on features, small in footprint
Add capacity, improve capability, streamline confidence.
- 20–150 samples per day
- Broad menu of more than 25 assays*
- Up to 15 assays onboard at all times
- Up to 6 different assays in a single run
- Up to 144 results in an 8-hour shift
- Customizable control concept
- Walkaway time of up to 4 hours
- Compact size: 134cm x 79cm
- Possibility to prioritize samples and assays
* May vary based on availability in your country.
** Walkaway time is dependent upon number of runs initiated (under continuous testing conditions >96 tests per shift, walkaway time may be between 4 - 8 hours).
cobas® 5800 System throughput
The cobas® 5800 System shares its "DNA" with cobas® 6800 and cobas® 8800 Systems, boasting a common assay menu, reagent concept and user interface.