Tina-quant® HbA1c Gen. 3

Tina-quant® HbA1c - Setting a new precedent in HbA1c lab efficiency
Diabetes mellitus, ranking 9th in the top ten global cuases of deaths, has become a worldwide health topic.1 In 2019, more than one in 10 adults is living with diabetes (537 million) with approximately 45% of adults having undiagnosed diabetes.2
HbA1c, which reflects the average glucose level in the last 8-12 weeks, is one of the most widely used test in diabetes management. Current ADA guidelines recommend the HbA1c tests for use in diagnosing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.3 Therefore, it is critical for the lab to use a standardized assay with good quality to support the right clinical decision.
On cobas® series platforms, the Tina-quant® HbA1c assay empowers the laboratory to reduce TAT, optimize operational cost with various solutions, and build confidence on the results for clinical decisions.
The Tina-quant® HbA1c assay aims to meet all of your needs in HbA1c measurement for routine diabetes management. Each and every time!
Testing Throughput for Lab TAT
- The Tina-quant® HbA1c assay is available on the platforms with different throughput, eg. cobas INTEGRA 400 plus, cobas c 111, 311, 303, 501/502, 503
- Dedicated high throughput close tube sampling HbA1c system: cobas c 513 (400 samples/hour)
Results Accuracy for Clinical Decision
- IFCC (traceable to IFCC ref. method) certified
- NGSP (traceable to DCCT study) certified
- FDA clearance with diagnostics claim6
- Result report in duel units: mmol/mol (SI) and % (DCCT)
- Highly specific antibody, no interference of common variants (HbS, C, D, E)7
- Excellent CV, eg. cobas c 513 < 1% in DCCT unit5
- Good correlation to different methodology standardized8
Diabetes Panel
- Glucose
- Hemoglobin A1c
- Fructosamine
- Creatinine
- Albumin
- Micro Albumin (Urine)
- Triglyceride
- Total cholesterol
- LDL-cholesterol
- HDL-cholesterol
- Urea/BUN
- Cystatin C
- C-peptide
- Insulin
- WHO (2020), the top 10 causes of death [online] Available from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death [last accessed Sep-2022]
- IDF Diabetes Atlas 10th Edition, 2021
- Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes - 2022, ADA
- MTBRV: mean time between repair visit, data source: internal report
- Tina-quant Hemoglobin A1c Gen. 3 package insert. Roche Diagnostics. 2022.
- FDA 510(k), data on file, Roche Diagnostics. 2010
- National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (2022). HbA1c Assay Interferences. Available from: http://www.ngsp.org/interf.asp [last accessed Sep-2022].
- Stéphane Jaisson et al. Evaluation of the analytical performances of the Cobas c513 analyser for HbA1c assay. Biochem Med (Zagreb). 2018 Oct 15; 28(3): 030708.