Innovation of the Clinical Laboratory of Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge
The lab innovation project of Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge's clinical laboratory focused on prioritising automation, consolidation, evolution, and employee wellbeing in the workplace. In this video you will discover how these four main wishes could be fulfilled in collaboration with Roche Diagnostics Belgium.
It was a very ambitious project. We were looking for a reliable partner. We didn't move laboratories, so the new solution had to be installed while the old one remained operational and with the least possible disruption for all the laboratory staff. We chose to work with Roche and we are happy with our choice. Marc Elsen- Chef du service de biologie clinique
The clinical laboratory at Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge has achieved enhanced automation through the cobas® 8100 automated workflow series and the connected cobas p 701 post-analytical unit, which now handles add-on requests seamlessly. Furthermore, the implementation of a customized hellomoov solution has improved staff ergonomics and reduced turnaround time by swiftly transporting samples from reception to the pre-analytical solution.
Moreover, with the integration of cobas® pro Integrated solutions, the laboratory has successfully consolidated 150 tests using Roche Diagnostics' comprehensive test portfolio, the largest in the market, and seamlessly integrated other companies into the solution.
This offers us a very complete solution. Why? For better control of the workflow and the analytical processes and to guarantee the TAT more easily than before. Julien Favresse - Pharmacien biologiste
The solution also enables the laboratory to expand in the future and be prepared for the opportunities that will arise over the next decade. The laboratory has incorporated digital tools including the cobas® mobile solution, navify® control, navify® monitoring, and navify® analytics.
navify® monitoring and navify® analytics enable management, evolution and reactivity in almost real-time thanks to the data we can collect with these systems. Marc Elsen - Chef du service de biologie clinique
To achieve more wellbeing in the workplace, the staff was involved in the project.
The staff notices the changes: improved ergonomics, less noise, a more pleasant work environment, with more light and calmer. Marie-Eve Permentier - Coordinatrice département administratif laboratoire