
Digital pathology solution

Empowering precision diagnosis - paving the way for personalized care

Personalized healthcare starts with a precision diagnosis. Leveraging Roche’s 125 years’ history of fighting disease and pioneering scientific healthcare advancements, the Roche Digital Pathology solution empowers earlier diagnoses and better, more personalized healthcare.

Built by pathologists, for pathologists, the end-to-end Roche Digital Pathology solution focuses on maximizing the pathologists' unique training, skills, and vision.

Enhance patient care and maximize pathology workflow efficiency


The Roche Digital Pathology solution is an integrated solution that combines innovative slide scanners, software and image analysis algorithms, working in integrated harmony with the full Roche diagnostic portfolio. 

The Roche Digital Pathology mission is to aid pathologists and anatomic pathology laboratories with robustly validated, high-quality solutions and a seamless pathology workflow. Why? Because an investment in digital pathology today, with greater confidence in results, is an investment in medical advancement tomorrow.

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VENTANA slide scanners1 for whole slide imaging

High-quality digital pathology images start with a high-quality scan. 

VENTANA slide scanners offer color management and built-in calibration enabling consistent, reproducible images and a low rescan rate.


Roche uPath digital image management software1

Roche uPath enterprise software provides a holistic, easy-to-use and quick solution for digital pathology laboratories with multiple applications:

  • Case management and collaboration
  • Remote consultation
  • Automated image analysis
  • Patient case evaluation and report generation

Roche uPath image analysis algorithms1

An intelligent and insightful digital pathology solution requires image analysis tools that empower pathologists to confidently and objectively assess whole tissue slide images.

uPath algorithms are embedded in the uPath software, offering the unique ease of use and efficiency of a fully integrated whole slide analysis solution.

Easier colleague collaboration for diagnosis1 and research

  • Collaborative features enable case sharing and remote diagnosis
  • Eliminate travel time for multisite and secondary opinions
  • Enhance clinical laboratory workflows, research and pathology education 
  • Allows access to specialists and distribution of care throughout geographies

Enhance diagnostic accuracy and improve patient care1

  • Roche Digital Pathology workflow efficiencies reduce turnaround time for pathologist review and diagnosis2
  • VENTANA slide scanners provide a larger field of view than microscopy, while uPath software supports simultaneous multi-slide viewing 
  • Roche uPath image analysis algorithms reduce bias and misidentification through enhanced accuracy and quantification
  • Roche Digital Pathology is one part of a robust tissue diagnostics portfolio, which enables an end-to-end pathology workflow for enhanced efficiency and accuracy

Maximize efficiency at every step of the pathology workflow

  • VENTANA slide scanners support increased throughput and enable fast processing of high caseloads
  • Access a wide array of customizable pathology workflow tools, including annotation features and multi-slide view
  • Store data and case history in a central location
  • Image analysis algorithms are embedded directly into the pathology workflow software for easy, one-click analyses that generate objective and reproducible results with actionable information
  • The Roche Open Environment offers tools for laboratories to develop their own algorithms, fully embedded in the pathology workflow software
  • Support and education are available during implementation and on an ongoing basis to ensure users are proficient in the systems and generating results quickly

Reduce operational risks and generate return on investment

  • Mitigate risk of slides being lost, mislabeled or broken during physical transport and minimize the need for additional biopsies
  • Reduce operational costs of slide storage, slide transportation, data retrieval and pathologist travel
  • Scale whole slide image storage as needed with scalable cloud and on-premise storage options
  • Adjust number of uPath users and algorithm analyses as your laboratory’s needs change

Expert support and security compliance

  • Benefit from expert Roche support to efficiently connect your laboratory with VENTANA connect middleware for an interoperable workflow. Secure data in a system with the latest in data privacy and cybersecurity features
  • Roche commits to building upon our robust security auditing and privacy certification with ongoing investment 
  • Access expert Roche personnel to support technical and educational needs for setup and day to day operations

Explore the Roche digital pathology product portfolio


  1. Registration Status: CE-IVD marked. In the United States;  For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures in the US. Refer to the product-specific labeling for the regulatory status of scanners and/or algorithms. IVD products can be used for in-vitro diagnostic use. Research Use Only (RUO) products are for research use only and not for diagnostic procedures.
  2. Roche research study at a customer site. Intraoperative frozen section consultation by remote whole-slide imaging analysis – validation and comparison to robotic remote microscopy. Menter T, Nicolet S, Baumhoer D, et al. J Clin Pathol 2020;73:350–35

VENTANA and UPATH are trademarks of Roche. Other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.