Quality and Accreditation Support
Quality & Accreditation Support: What to Expect?

Our experts, trained in the ISO 15189 standard, will help you set up your method verification plan and use the documents and templates, e-services and quality solutions available on the navify® portal.

Still not feeling completely at home with all the laws and regulations that apply to your lab?
Need practical tips for implementing risk management in line with the requirements of the new standard?
Our experts will work with you on a journey tailored to your laboratory.

Want to prepare for an audit, check the compliance of your solutions with the standard or simply improve your practices with regard to ISO 15189? Our team can intervene at any time, on site or remotely, to provide personalised support tailored to your specifications (initial system set-up, post-installation follow-up, post-audit follow-up, etc.).

Keep your technical documentation up-to-date with the eLabDoc platform.
Personalised notifications: Receive automatic email notifications about new technical documents related to the favourites set in your account.
Easy access to the latest versions: Get access to the latest versions of technical documentation using a powerful search engine.
Access all release notes and validation certificates necessary for your validation files.
Do you have any questions or would you like to request our support?