
Automation in Molecular Diagnostic Testing

Innovative, reliable and efficient molecular diagnostic solutions

Unrivaled efficiency - only available from Roche


Achieve seamless integration and total workflow automation of molecular testing with Roche pre-analytical and post-analytical solutions. These stand-alone and integrated solutions reduce manual steps and error-prone processes, freeing up staff to focus on higher value tasks while enhancing safety and process quality. Roche delivers end-to-end automation with secure physical connection tracks and a reliable software that links to the Laboratory Information System (LIS).

Now, labs of all sizes can experience fully automated testing across a broad range of diagnostic areas with the Molecular Work Area. This comprehensive and scalable solution allows you to elevate your lab with more efficient workflows, improved predictability, higher quality output, and more streamlined operations.

Innovative, reliable and efficient molecular diagnostic solutions

Unrivaled efficiency - only available from Roche

Achieve seamless integration and total workflow automation of molecular testing with Roche pre-analytical and post-analytical solutions. These stand-alone and integrated solutions reduce manual steps and error-prone processes, freeing up staff to focus on higher value tasks while enhancing safety and process quality. Roche delivers end-to-end automation with secure physical connection tracks and a reliable software that links to the Laboratory Information System (LIS).

Now, labs of all sizes can experience fully automated testing across a broad range of diagnostic areas with the Molecular Work Area. This comprehensive and scalable solution allows you to elevate your lab with more efficient workflows, improved predictability, higher quality output, and more streamlined operations.

Delivering unrivaled efficiency and safety with automation

Cross-contamination is a primary concern in molecular diagnostics due to the high sensitivity of real-time PCR assays. The Molecular Work Area’s pre-analytical and sample transportation systems have been validated for cross-contamination compliance,1,2 ensuring reliable results and minimum operator interaction across the entire workflow.

Transform workflows and optimize result quality with comprehensive inspection of sample quality and volume

cobas® prime Pre-analytical System
Quality comes first

Roche pre-analytical systems automate and streamline workflows according to specific sample types, allowing for efficient, standardized, and simplified PCR setup.

Connecting the cobas® prime Pre-Analytical System to a cobas® 6800 or cobas® 8800 System creates a Molecular Work Area capable of automating and consolidating greater than 90%* of routine molecular testing. This fully automated molecular workflow allows for more productive use of valuable technician time and eliminates time-consuming manual sample handling, reducing the risk of cross contamination, human error, and repetitive motion injuries.

* May vary based on assay availability in your country


cobas® Automation Portfolio

Automated sample archiving solutions

Starting with the automated recapping, sealing, and storage of samples, Roche post-analytic systems help improve workflow efficiencies, minimizing efforts in product search, retrieval, and tracking of expiry dates.

These automated archives eliminate manual sample storage and retrieval, reducing biohazard exposure and increasing traceability via continuous sample quality monitoring.


cobas® Post-analytical Systems


Automated sample archiving simplifies workflow, improves quality, and provides a safe environment for technicians


Post-analytic automation at a glance

cobas p 501 and cobas p 701
Full lab automation and integration

Roche Diagnostics solutions are designed to work together as one. Connectivity between instruments occurs physically and virtually to create unprecedented efficiency.


  1. Data on file with Roche.
  2. Iordanoaia N, et al. Cross-contamination Compliance of cobas p 612 pre-analytical system in use with cobas® 6800/8800 Systems. Poster presented at ISBT, Dubai, UAE. September 2016.