Elecsys® Total -Tau CSF

Robust and accurate biomarker tests to solve clinical questions
Elecsys® Total -Tau CSF

Robust and accurate biomarker tests to solve clinical questions

Elecsys® Total-Tau CSF (tTau) is an in vitro diagnostic immunoassay intended for the quantitative determination of the total tau protein concentration in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).1

Elecsys® tTau assay is part of the Elecsys® AD portfolio, along with Elecsys® β-Amyloid(1-42) CSF II (AB42 2)  and Elecsys® Phospho-Tau (181P) CSF (pTau) immunoassays.1

Elecsys® AD CSF assays can detect amyloid positivity, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and physician confidence.2,3

Elecsys® AD CSF assays enable timely intervention by identifying patients with MCI at risk of progression to AD.1,3

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The Power of Elecsys® in Alzheimer’s disease

Robust, clinically validated results to help ensure patients get the care they deserve

Elecsys® Total -Tau CSF

  • Systems

    cobas e 411 analyzer, cobas e 601 / cobas e 602 modules, MODULAR ANALYTICS E170

  • Testing Time

    18 minutes

  • Test principle

    Sandwich principle

  • Calibration


  • Traceability

    LC-MS/MSTau (172-205) [pThr181]amidTau (156-166) – Tau (192-202) – Tau (217-227) amid

  • Sample material

    Human Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

  • Sample volume

    30 µL - cobas e 801 module and cobas e 402 module 

    50 µL - cobas e 411 analyzer and cobas e 601/602 modules








  • LoB (Limit of Blank)

    30 pg/mL

  • LoD (Limit of Detection)

    60 pg/mL

  • LoQ (Limit of Quantitation)

    80 pg/mL

  • Measuring range

    8-1,300 pg/mL (defined by the Limit of Quantitation and the maximum of the master curve)

    Values below the Limit of Quantitation are reported as < 80 pg/mL

    Values above the measuring range are reported as > 1,300 pg/mL

  • Intermediate precision

    cobas e 411: 2.2-3.5% (4.14 - 40.3 pg/mL)
    E170, cobas e 601, cobas e 602: 1.4% -2.1% (1.63 – 19.5 pg/mL)


  1. Elecsys® Method Sheet: ms_08821941500V1.0, ms_08821909500V1.0, ms_08846715500V1.0, ms_08846693500V1.0,  ms_08846634500V1.0, ms_08846685500V1.0
  2. Rabinovici, G.D. et al. (2019). Association of Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography With Subsequent Change in Clinical Management Among Medicare Beneficiaries With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia. JAMA 321(13), 1286-1294.
  3. Hansson, O. et al. (2018). CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease concord with amyloid-β PET and predict clinical progression: A study of fully automated immunoassays in BioFINDER and ADNI cohorts. Alzheimers Dement 14(11), 1470-1481