The BenchMark Special Stains platform brings full automation to the histology laboratory for special stains so labs can optimize workflow, quality and safety.
BenchMark Special Stains system

The BenchMark Special Stains system offers a new level of automation for Special Stains.
Productivity features such as the ability to run any test next to any other test and waste fluid sensing optimize workflow. Reducing manual processes and improving lab capabilities allows your skilled laboratory professionals to focus on higher value contributions.
Additionally, an intuitive user interface (Ventana System Software) connects up to eight BenchMark Special Stains and IHC/ISH instruments, enabling seamless integration and easy adoption for lab personnel.
Would you like to know more about the BenchMark Special Stains system?
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GMS II 860-028 05412749001

Alcian Blue 860-002 05279186001

Mucicarmine 860-011 05279275001
The BenchMark Special Stains system brings full automation to the anatomic pathology laboratory for Special Stains to enhance confidence with a more informed diagnosis.
Consistent quality
Optimize assays with customizable protocols and leverage automation to eliminate technician variability for reproducible, high quality stains. Jones Staining Kit images demonstrate customizable staining achieved with different protocol selections.

Enhanced workflow efficiency
- Eliminate manual processes with ready-to-use reagents, fully automated baking, deparaffinization and staining, and independent slide heating
- Slide carousel holds 1–20 slides with independent temperature control for each position
- Free standing or modified benchtop installation
- Bulk fluid and waste capacities designed to support a minimum of three full runs

Improved safety
- Ready-to-use reagents reduce technician exposure to, and handling of, hazardous chemicals
- Bulk fluid volume sensing automatically detects waste fluid levels to prevent spills or overflow
- Barcoded slides and reagents ensure the right test for the right patient
- Individual slide staining virtually eliminates cross-contamination

Experience advanced support
CareGiver remote support establishes a communication link between the BenchMark Special Stains instrument and the Roche customer support center, delivering remote troubleshooting and training, software upgrades over the internet and over-the-shoulder help from Roche service experts.

Special stains assay menu

BenchMark Special Stains AFB Staining Kit 08432503001

Alcian Blue Staining Kit

Alcian Yellow Staining Kit

Congo Red Staining Kit

Elastic Staining Kit 05279216001

Giemsa Staining Kit 05279224001

GMS II Staining Kit 05412749001

Gram Staining Kit 06890105001

Iron Staining Kit

Jones Staining Kit

Jones Light Green Staining Kit 05279356001

Mucicarmine Staining Kit 05279275001

PAS Staining Kit 05279291001

Alcian Blue for PAS 05279194001

Diastase Kit 05279208001

Light Green for PAS 05279267001

Reticulum II Staining Kit 05279399001

Steiner II Staining Kit 06521894001

Trichrome Staining Kit 06521908001

Green for Trichrome 06521916001