CINtec® PLUS Cytology

A CINtec Plus cytology stained slide
Introducing CINtec PLUS Cytology, a biomarker-based triage test to identify transforming HPV infection

Not every HPV-positive woman will develop cervical cancer, so triage can determine who is most at risk and will benefit from more immediate follow-up, and who is at low risk and can be given more time to clear the infection on her own. CINtec PLUS is a triage cytology test that helps stratify disease risk immediately, giving clinicians confidence when selecting the appropriate management for women at every level of risk.

Detect changes at the cellular level:

The CINtec PLUS Cytology test is the only FDA approved triage test that uses dual biomarker technology to simultaneously detect p16 and Ki-67 in women with HPV-positive results.

The co-expression of these two biomarkers within the same cell is a strong indicator that an HPV infection is undergoing oncogenic transformation.

Four sets of stained slides indicating expressions of biomarkers p16 and Ki-67 versus pap cytology.
CINtec PLUS Cytology test is approved as a triage test with the cobas HPV test

CINtec PLUS Cytology test is approved as a triage test with the cobas HPV test

ages 25-65



* For HPV16/18+ use as additional information in conjunction with the physician’s assessment of patient screening history, other risk factors, and professional guidelines to guide patient management.

Source: Adapted from CINtec PLUS Cytology package insert; Refer to the CINtec PLUS Cytology package insert for the FDA approved intended use.

ages 30-65



* For HPV16/18+ use as additional information in conjunction with the physician’s assessment of patient screening history, other risk factors, and professional guidelines to guide patient management.

Source: Adapted from CINtec PLUS Cytology package insert; Refer to the CINtec PLUS Cytology package insert for the FDA approved intended use.

CINtec PLUS Cytology is approved for use on cobas® 4800/6800/8800 instruments.

woman who participated in the landmark registational cervical cancer portfolio IMPACT trial.

The IMPACT Trial: 
The landmark registational cervical cancer portfolio trial

  • Included cobas® HPV test, CINtec PLUS Cytology test, and CINtec® Histology
  • Multicenter, prospective trial enrolling ~35,000 women at 32 collection sites across the US
  • Representative of routine cervical cancer screening population in the US:
    • Ages 25-65
    • Non-vaccinated and vaccinated
    • Diverse races and ethnicities
  • More than 5,000 HPV-positive subjects 
  • More than 530 ≥CIN2 disease cases

Risk of disease in Pap normal/HPV+ women (≥CIN2, age 30-65)

A bar chart comparing risk reduction  for CIN2 or greater cervical cancer using CINtec plus with non 16-18 HPV





CINtec PLUS Cytology provides further risk stratification in 12 other HPV+ women

The addition of the CINtec PLUS Cytology test can provide a more accurate quantification of a woman's risk for high grade disease.


Increased testing sensitivity

When added as a triage to discrepant co-testing results, CINtec PLUS Cytology identified 7 our of 10 women as having cells undergoing oncogenic transformation allowing identification of disease earlier in their screening process.

Percentage of disease detected with CINtec PLUS in Pap normal/HPV+ women (≥CIN2, age 30-65)

A bar chart comparing the percentage of disease detected with CINtec PLUS cytology in Pap normal/HPV+ women.




CINtec PLUS Cytology offers greater sensitivity compared to Pap cytology

CINtec PLUS Cytology improves disease detection independent of genotype, patient age, or vaccination status.

Percentage of disease detected with CINtec PLUS (≥CIN2, age 25-65)

A bar chart comparing the percentage of disease detected with CINtec PLUS cytology versus pap cytology

Integrates with automated testing procedures to improve efficiency

CINtec PLUS Cytology is performed from the same ThinPrep sample as HPV and Pap tests, and run on the BenchMark ULTRA. The BenchMark ULTRA system is a fully automated immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization slide staining system, offering multiple features designed to provide diagnostic confidence to histopathology laboratories worldwide. With 30 independent slide drawers, the system gives histotechnologists continuous random access and supports single-piece workflow, which numerous studies have shown improves laboratory operational efficiency.

VENTANA BenchMark ULTRA performs the CINtec plus cytology test using dual biomarkers.

Key resources to learn more

The following publications provide further evidence of the clinical utility of p16/Ki-67 dual staining in cervical cancer screening:

  1. CINtec PLUS Cytology package insert.
  2. T.C. Wright Jr. et al., Triaging HPV-Positive Women with p16/Ki-67 Dual-stained Cytology: Results from a Sub-study Nested into the ATHENA Trial. Gynecologic Oncology 144 (2017) 51–56.Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Jan;144(1):51-56. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2016.10.031.
  3. Wentzensen N., et al., Performance of p16/Ki-67 Immunostaining to Detect Cervical Cancer Precursors in a Colposcopy Referral Population. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Aug 1;18(15):4154-62. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-0270. Epub 2012 Jun 6.

Considering implementing CINtec PLUS Cytology in your lab?

Roche experts will be with you every step of the way

Complete this form if you would like more information about implementing CINtec PLUS Cytology in your lab

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Here is a checklist of what you need to implement CINtec PLUS Cytology in your lab:

☐ VENTANA BenchMark ULTRA instrument with required software

☐ Required bulks and ancillaries

  BenchMark ULTRA
  Ordering code     Material description  
  5424534001     ULTRA LCS  
  5353955001     Reaction Buffer Concentrate (10X)  
  5424569001     ULTRA CCI  
  5266726001     Hematoxylin  
  5266769001     Bluing reagent  


☐ Additional supplies

  Supplies required but not provided
  Part of Catalogue #     Vendor     Material description  
  70126-002     Hologic     ThinPrep® Arcless Microscope Slides or ThinPrep® Microscope Slides for Special Processing—75 slides/box 
  1001350487     Sigma     CC Mount aqueous mounting media  


☐ 25-30 residual HSIL or known positive ThinPrep® sample vials and/or SurePath™ cell pellet tubes

☐ Schedule lab implementation & training with a Roche expert


Lab Implementation & Training sessions are offered to all customers to ensure a smooth, successful implementation of CINtec PLUS Cytology into the laboratory. Sessions can last approximately 2-5 days depending on the size of the lab and number of staff requiring training. 

Training includes:

  • Slide preparation & staining with laboratory staff 
  • Interpretation training sessions, including interactive glass slide review, with Cytotechnologists and Pathologists
  • Interpretation proficiency testing
Reagent catalog

IHC and ISH reagents and ancillaries

To view associated reagents, ancillaries and bulks, please visit the Roche Tissue Diagnostics reagent catalog. 

Reagent catalog