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For in vitro diagnostic use. Others Diastase Kit IVD Liver Diastase Kit RTD000826 05 279 208 001 5 279 208 001 05279208001 5279208001 05279208001 DIASTASE KIT Diastase Kit 04015630971381 Reagents, kits 860-004 75 tests Not Available true Diastase Kit, in conjunction with PAS Staining Kit (860-014 / 05279291001), is intended for use as a digestion reagent to aid in the determination of glycogen in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue.This product should be interpreted by a qualified pathologist in conjunction with histological examination, relevant clinical information, and proper controls.This product is intended for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use. en Diastase digests the glycogen present in the tissue so it is washed out of the tissue before PAS staining occurs. Diastase digestion is used to differentially determine if the PAS positive component is glycogen. The PAS Staining Kit uses Periodic Acid reagent to oxidize glycols to aldehydes. The Schiff’s Reagent reacts with aldehydes to form a colorless dialdehyde compound that is transformed to the magenta staining of glycol containing cellular components.2This kit is optimized for use on BenchMark Special Stains instruments. The reagents are applied to tissue on microscope slides and mixed over the entire specimen.2. Carson F, Hladik C. Histotechnology: A Self Instructional Text, 3rd edition. Hong Kong: American Society for Clinical Pathology Press; 2009. en